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Line 1521: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

1517: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
1518: sh.score_value score,
1519: sc.score_id,
1520: sc.score_name
1521: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
1522: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
1523: and sh.score_object_code = 'IEX_BILLTO'
1524: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
1525: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)

Line 2184: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

2180: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
2181: sh.score_value score,
2182: sc.score_id,
2183: sc.score_name
2184: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
2185: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
2186: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
2187: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)
2188: FROM iex_score_histories sh1,

Line 2767: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

2763: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
2764: sh.score_value score,
2765: sc.score_id,
2766: sc.score_name
2767: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
2768: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
2769: and sh.score_object_code = 'IEX_ACCOUNT'
2770: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
2771: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)

Line 3396: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

3392: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
3393: sh.score_value score,
3394: sc.score_id,
3395: sc.score_name
3396: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
3397: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
3398: and sh.score_object_code = 'IEX_ACCOUNT'
3399: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
3400: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)

Line 3973: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

3969: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
3970: sh.score_value score,
3971: sc.score_id,
3972: sc.score_name
3973: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
3974: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
3975: and sh.score_object_code = 'PARTY'
3976: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
3977: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)

Line 4599: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc

4595: SELECT sh.score_object_id,
4596: sh.score_value score,
4597: sc.score_id,
4598: sc.score_name
4599: FROM iex_score_histories sh,iex_scores sc
4600: WHERE sc.score_id = sh.score_id
4601: and sh.score_object_code = 'PARTY'
4602: and (sh.score_object_id,sh.score_object_code,sh.creation_date)
4603: in (SELECT sh1.score_object_id,sh1.score_object_code,MAX(sh1.creation_date)

Line 9913: iex_scores sc

9909: cursor c_billto_score is
9910: SELECT sh.score_object_id, sh.score_value score , sh.score_id, sc.score_name
9911: FROM iex_score_histories sh,
9912: iex_pop_uwq_summ_gt temp,
9913: iex_scores sc
9914: WHERE sh.creation_date = (SELECT MAX(creation_date)
9915: FROM iex_score_histories sh1
9916: WHERE sh1.score_object_code = 'IEX_BILLTO'
9917: AND sh1.score_object_id = sh.score_object_id)

Line 11240: iex_scores sc

11236: cursor c_account_score is
11237: SELECT sh.score_object_id, sh.score_value score,sh.score_id, sc.score_name
11238: FROM iex_score_histories sh,
11239: iex_pop_uwq_summ_gt temp,
11240: iex_scores sc
11241: WHERE sh.creation_date = (SELECT MAX(creation_date)
11242: FROM iex_score_histories sh1
11243: WHERE sh1.score_object_code = 'IEX_ACCOUNT'
11244: AND sh1.score_object_id = sh.score_object_id)

Line 12550: iex_scores sc

12546: cursor c_customer_score is
12547: SELECT sh.score_object_id, sh.score_value score, sh.score_id, sc.score_name
12548: FROM iex_score_histories sh,
12549: iex_pop_uwq_summ_gt temp,
12550: iex_scores sc
12551: WHERE sh.creation_date = (SELECT MAX(creation_date)
12552: FROM iex_score_histories sh1
12553: WHERE sh1.score_object_code = 'PARTY'
12554: AND sh1.score_object_id = sh.score_object_id)

Line 14036: FROM iex_score_histories a, iex_scores b

14032: -- Start for the bug#7562130 by PNAVEENK
14033: function cal_score(p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2, p_select_column varchar2) return varchar2 is
14034: cursor c_score (p_object_id number , p_object_type varchar2) is
14035: SELECT a.score_value, a.score_id, b.score_name
14036: FROM iex_score_histories a, iex_scores b
14037: WHERE a.creation_date =
14038: (SELECT MAX(creation_date)
14039: FROM iex_score_histories
14040: WHERE score_object_code = p_object_type