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Line 17: g_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;

13: g_business_group_id number(15);
15: g_per_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;
16: g_scl_rec hr_soft_coding_keyflex%rowtype;
17: g_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;
18: g_grp_rec pay_people_groups%rowtype;
19: g_asg_rec per_all_assignments_f%rowtype;
20: g_phn_rec per_phones%rowtype;
21: g_cnt_rec per_contact_relationships%rowtype;

Line 457: from per_addresses

453: ,c_business_group_id in number
454: ,c_effective_date in date
455: ,c_primary_flag in varchar2) is
456: select *
457: from per_addresses
458: where person_id = c_person_id
459: and business_group_id = c_business_group_id
460: and primary_flag = c_primary_flag
461: and c_effective_date between date_from

Line 4358: from per_addresses pad

4354: ,c_business_group_id in number
4355: ,c_date_from in date
4356: ,c_primary_flag in varchar2) is
4357: select *
4358: from per_addresses pad
4359: where pad.person_id = c_person_id
4360: and pad.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
4361: and pad.primary_flag = c_primary_flag
4362: and c_date_from between pad.date_from

Line 4373: from per_addresses pad

4369: ,c_address_type in varchar2
4370: ,c_date_from in date
4371: ,c_effective_date in date) is
4372: select *
4373: from per_addresses pad
4374: where pad.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
4375: and pad.person_id = c_person_id
4376: and pad.primary_flag = c_primary_flag
4377: and pad.STYLE = c_style

Line 4383: l_cur_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;

4379: and trunc(pad.date_from) = trunc(c_date_from);
4380: /* and c_effective_date between pad.date_from
4381: and NVL(pad.date_to, c_effective_date); */
4383: l_cur_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;
4384: l_proc_name constant varchar2(150):= g_pkg ||'InsUpd_Batch_Address';
4385: l_pradd_ovlapval_override boolean;
4386: l_error_msg varchar2(2000);

Line 4779: from per_addresses pad

4775: ,c_business_group_id in number
4776: ,c_date_from in date
4777: ,c_primary_flag in varchar2) is
4778: select *
4779: from per_addresses pad
4780: where pad.person_id = c_person_id
4781: and pad.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
4782: and pad.primary_flag = c_primary_flag
4783: and c_date_from between pad.date_from

Line 4794: from per_addresses pad

4790: ,c_address_type in varchar2
4791: ,c_date_from in date
4792: ,c_effective_date in date) is
4793: select *
4794: from per_addresses pad
4795: where pad.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
4796: and pad.person_id = c_person_id
4797: and pad.primary_flag = c_primary_flag
4798: and pad.STYLE = c_style

Line 4804: l_cur_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;

4800: and trunc(pad.date_from) = trunc(c_date_from);
4801: /* and c_effective_date between pad.date_from
4802: and NVL(pad.date_to, c_effective_date); */
4804: l_cur_add_rec per_addresses%rowtype;
4805: l_proc_name constant varchar2(150):= g_pkg ||'InsUpd_Address';
4806: l_error_msg varchar2(2000);
4807: l_party_id per_people_f.party_id%type;