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APPS.PER_OSE_BUS dependencies on DUAL

Line 272: from sys.dual

268: -- organizations in the hierarchy.
269: --
270: select null
271: into l_temp
272: from sys.dual
273: where exists (select null
274: from per_org_structure_elements ose
275: where ose.org_structure_version_id =
276: p_org_structure_version_id

Line 319: from sys.dual

315: -- org_structure_element for this version.
316: --
317: select null
318: into l_temp
319: from sys.dual
320: where exists( select null
321: from per_security_profiles psp
322: where psp.include_top_organization_flag = 'Y'
323: and psp.organization_structure_id =