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Line 513: /* Step2 - Based on routing_class get the UOM from fm_rout_cls table */

509: /* Returns S if process loss is calculated and status is success */
510: /* Returns U if unexpected error occurs */
511: /* */
512: /* Step1 - Based on the routing_id get the routing_class from fm_rout_hdr */
513: /* Step2 - Based on routing_class get the UOM from fm_rout_cls table */
514: /* Step3 - Check if recipe uom can be converted to this UOM and convert */
515: /* total product qty to this UOM */
516: /* Step4 - Get the process loss from gmd_process_loss table. */
517: /* Step5 - apply a prorated values in routing */

Line 553: l_routing_uom fm_rout_cls.UOM%TYPE;

549: l_ing_qty NUMBER;
550: l_uom VARCHAR2(4);
551: l_item_um VARCHAR2(3);
552: l_routing_class fm_rout_hdr.routing_class%TYPE;
553: l_routing_uom fm_rout_cls.UOM%TYPE;
554: l_routing_qty fm_rout_hdr.routing_qty%TYPE;
555: l_routing_planned_loss NUMBER;
556: l_routing_theo_loss NUMBER;
557: l_routing_prorate_factor NUMBER := 1;

Line 589: From fm_rout_cls

586: --Bug 6871738. Select ROUTING_CLASS_UOM instead of UOM.
587: Cursor Rout_cls_cur(vRouting_class fm_rout_hdr.routing_class%TYPE) IS
589: From fm_rout_cls
590: Where routing_class = vRouting_class
591: and delete_mark = 0;
593: CURSOR process_loss_cur(vRouting_class VARCHAR2, qty NUMBER) IS

Line 682: /* If Routing_class is not null then get its uom from fm_rout_cls table */

678: CLOSE Rout_hdr_cur;
679: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
680: gmd_debug.put_line(' Rout Class:'||l_routing_class ||'Rout Qty:'||l_routing_qty ||' Planned Loss:'||l_routing_planned_loss);
681: END IF;
682: /* If Routing_class is not null then get its uom from fm_rout_cls table */
683: OPEN Rout_cls_cur(l_routing_class);
684: FETCH Rout_cls_cur INTO l_routing_uom;
685: IF (Rout_cls_cur%NOTFOUND) THEN
686: l_routing_uom := NULL;