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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 131

    29-FEB-2012 ybudamal    115.36 13715397  Added procedure update_state_or_local_wh_link
                                             to update the state W4 withholding link and local
                                             tax form link for the State if local link exists.
                                             Otherwise creates a new local tax form link.

  ** Package Local Variables
   gv_package        VARCHAR2(100) := 'pay_us_payroll_utils';
Line: 216

      select futa_wage_limit, futa_rate,
             ss_ee_wage_limit, ss_ee_rate,
             ss_er_wage_limit, ss_er_rate,
             medi_ee_rate, medi_er_rate,
             fed_information1, fed_information2
       from pay_us_federal_tax_info_f
      where cp_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date
        and fed_information_category = cp_fed_info_category;
Line: 229

      select state_code,
                    NULL, STA_INFORMATION1,
                    0, STA_INFORMATION1,
                    sdi_ee_wage_limit) sdi_ee_wage_limit,
             sta_information19 futa_rate,
             sta_information21 sdi1_ee_wage_limit
        from pay_us_state_tax_info_f
      where cp_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date
        and sta_information_category = 'State tax limit rate info'
      order by 1 ;
Line: 248

      select jurisdiction_code,
        from pay_us_county_tax_info_f
      where cp_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date
        and cnty_information_category = 'County tax status info'
      order by 1 ;
Line: 265

      select jurisdiction_code,
        from pay_us_city_tax_info_f
      where cp_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date
        and jurisdiction_code = cp_jurisdiction_code
        and city_information_category = 'City tax status info';
Line: 497

      select effective_date from fnd_sessions fs
       where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 631

              select 'Y' into lv_value from dual
               where exists (
                 select 'x'
                   from pay_wc_funds wcf, pay_us_states uss
                  where uss.state_code = lv_state_code
                    and uss.state_abbrev = wcf.state_code
                    and wcf.business_group_id =
                       nvl(hr_general.get_business_group_id, wcf.business_group_id));
Line: 761

      select 1
        from pay_bal_attribute_definitions
       where attribute_name     = c_attribute_name
         and legislation_code   = p_legislation_code;
Line: 769

              select /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
                from pay_bal_attribute_definitions pbad,
                     pay_balance_attributes        pba,
                     pay_balance_validation        pbv
               where pbad.attribute_name     = cp_attribute_name
                 and pbad.attribute_id       = pba.attribute_id
                 and (pba.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
                      pba.legislation_code = p_legislation_code)
                 and pba.defined_balance_id  = pbv.defined_balance_id
                 and pbv.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
                 and NVL(pbv.balance_load_date, cp_start_date) <= cp_start_date
                 and nvl(pbv.run_balance_status, 'I') = 'V';
Line: 787

              select count(*)
                from pay_bal_attribute_definitions pbad,
                     pay_balance_attributes        pba
               where pbad.attribute_name     = cp_attribute_name
                 and pbad.attribute_id       = pba.attribute_id
                 and (pba.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
                      pba.legislation_code = p_legislation_code );
Line: 1035

      select lei_information1
        from hr_location_extra_info hlei
       where hlei.location_id = cp_location_id
         and  information_type = 'US_LOC_REP_PREFERENCES';
Line: 1042

      select org_information1
        from hr_organization_information hoi
       where organization_id =  cp_organization_id
         and org_information_context = cp_org_information_context;
Line: 1087

       select nvl(min(assignment_action_id),-1)
         from pay_assignment_actions paa,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa,
              pay_payrolls_f ppf
        where ppa.business_group_id +0 = cp_business_group_id
          and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
          and ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date and cp_end_date
          and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
          and ppf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
          and ppa.business_group_id +0 = ppf.business_group_id
          and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id, paa.tax_unit_id)
          and ppf.payroll_id = nvl(cp_payroll_id, ppf.payroll_id);
Line: 1118

  Name      : update_state_or_local_wh_link
  Purpose   : This procedure updates the state W4 withholding link and local
              tax form link for the State if local link exists. Otherwise
              creates a new local tax form link.
  Arguments : p_state                   - Name of the State
              p_state_or_local_tax_form - State/Local form to update
              p_link                    - New Link to be used
  Notes     :
  PROCEDURE update_state_or_local_wh_link(errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                        retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                                        p_state_or_local_tax_form IN VARCHAR2,
                                        p_state IN VARCHAR2,
                                        p_link  IN VARCHAR2) IS

  /* Declaration of local Variables */
  l_sysdate                DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
Line: 1144

  l_procedure_name         VARCHAR2(50) := 'update_state_or_local_wh_link';
Line: 1149

       SELECT  lookup_type,
         FROM  fnd_lookup_values
        WHERE  lookup_type = v_lookup_type
          AND  lookup_code = v_lookup_code
          AND  language = userenv ('LANG');
Line: 1161

       SELECT  state_name
         FROM  pay_us_states
        WHERE  state_abbrev = v_state;
Line: 1167

       SELECT  sg.security_group_id
         FROM  fnd_lookup_types lt, fnd_security_groups sg
        WHERE  lt.lookup_type = 'PAY_US_LOCAL_PDF_LINK_W4'
          AND  lt.view_application_id = v_application_id
          AND  lt.security_group_id = sg.security_group_id
          AND  sg.security_group_key ='STANDARD';
Line: 1176

       SELECT application_id
         FROM fnd_application
        WHERE application_short_name = 'AU';
Line: 1201

        /* Update the State Link for the Lookup */
        UPDATE fnd_lookup_values
           SET description      = p_link,
               meaning          = 'User updated: ' || LTRIM(meaning, 'User updated: '),
               last_updated_by  = l_app_user,
               last_update_date = l_sysdate
        WHERE lookup_type         = l_lookup_type
          AND view_application_id = l_view_application_id
          AND lookup_code         = l_lookup_code
          AND security_group_id   = l_security_group_id
          AND language            = l_language;
Line: 1251

        /* Insert the new Lookup Code */
         INSERT INTO  fnd_lookup_values
           ( lookup_type
            ,view_application_id )
           ( 'PAY_US_LOCAL_PDF_LINK_W4'
            ,'HTTP hyperlink to '|| l_state_name || ' local pdf form'
            ,l_application_id );
Line: 1288

         /* Update the Local Link for the Lookup */
        UPDATE fnd_lookup_values
           SET description      = p_link,
               last_updated_by  = l_app_user,
               last_update_date = l_sysdate
         WHERE lookup_type         = l_lookup_type
           AND view_application_id = l_view_application_id
           AND lookup_code         = l_lookup_code
           AND security_group_id   = l_security_group_id
           AND language            = l_language;
Line: 1314

  END update_state_or_local_wh_link;