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1 package dbms_sql AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
3 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server <> TRUE and
4     utl_ident.is_timesten <> TRUE $then
5   $error 'dbms_sql is not supported in this environment' $end
6 $end
8   ------------
9   --  OVERVIEW
10   --
11   --  This package provides a means to use dynamic SQL to access the database.
12   --
14   -------------------------
16   --
17   --  Bind variables of a SQL statement are identified by their names.
18   --  When binding a value to a bind variable, the string identifying
19   --  the bind variable in the statement may optionally contain the
20   --  leading colon. For example, if the parsed SQL statement is
21   --  "SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SAL > :X", on binding the variable
22   --  to a value, it can be identified using either of the strings ':X'
23   --  and 'X'.
24   --
25   --  Columns of the row being selected in a SELECT statement are identified
26   --  by their relative positions (1, 2, 3, ...) as they appear on the select
27   --  list from left to right.
28   --
29   --  Privileges are associated with the caller of the procedures/functions
30   --  in this package as follows:
31   --    If the caller is an anonymous PL/SQL block, the procedures/functions
32   --    are run using the privileges of the current user.
33   --    If the caller is a stored procedure, the procedures/functions are run
34   --    using the privileges of the owner of the stored procedure.
35   --
36   --  WARNING: Using the package to dynamically execute DDL statements can
37   --  results in the program hanging. For example, a call to a procedure in a
38   --  package will result in the package being locked until the execution
39   --  returns to the user side. Any operation that results in a conflicting
40   --  lock, such as dynamically trying to drop the package, before the first
41   --  lock is released will result in a hang.
42   --
43   --  The flow of procedure calls will typically look like this:
44   --
45   --                      -----------
46   --                    | open_cursor |
47   --                      -----------
48   --                           |
49   --                           |
50   --                           v
51   --                         -----
52   --          ------------>| parse |
53   --         |               -----
54   --         |                 |
55   --         |                 |---------
56   --         |                 v         |
57   --         |           --------------  |
58   --         |-------->| bind_variable | |
59   --         |     ^     -------------   |
60   --         |     |           |         |
61   --         |      -----------|         |
62   --         |                 |<--------
63   --         |                 v
64   --         |               query?---------- yes ---------
65   --         |                 |                           |
66   --         |                no                           |
67   --         |                 |                           |
68   --         |                 v                           v
69   --         |              -------                  -------------
70   --         |----------->| execute |            ->| define_column |
71   --         |              -------             |    -------------
72   --         |                 |------------    |          |
73   --         |                 |            |    ----------|
74   --         |                 v            |              v
75   --         |           --------------     |           -------
76   --         |       ->| variable_value |   |  ------>| execute |
77   --         |      |    --------------     | |         -------
78   --         |      |          |            | |            |
79   --         |       ----------|            | |            |
80   --         |                 |            | |            v
81   --         |                 |            | |        ----------
82   --         |                 |<-----------  |----->| fetch_rows |
83   --         |                 |              |        ----------
84   --         |                 |              |            |
85   --         |                 |              |            v
86   --         |                 |              |    --------------------
87   --         |                 |              |  | column_value         |
88   --         |                 |              |  | variable_value       |
89   --         |                 |              |    ---------------------
90   --         |                 |              |            |
91   --         |                 |<--------------------------
92   --         |                 |
93   --          -----------------|
94   --                           |
95   --                           v
96   --                      ------------
97   --                    | close_cursor |
98   --                      ------------
99   --
100   --
101   --  A SET ROLE statement has its effect during execute.  SET ROLE is
102   --  only permitted if at the moments of the calls to both parse and
103   --  execute there are no definer's rights units nor SQL DML or
104   --  query statements on the callstack, and if the currently-enabled
105   --  roles at the moment of the call to execute are exactly the same
106   --  as they were at the moment of the call to parse.
107   --
108   --
109   ---------------
111   -------------
112   --  CONSTANTS
113   --
114   v6 constant integer := 0;
115   native constant integer := 1;
116   v7 constant integer := 2;
117   foreign_syntax constant integer := 4294967295;
118   --
120   --  TYPES
121   --
122   type varchar2a is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer;
123   -- bug 2410688: for users who require larger than varchar2(256),
124   -- this type has been introduced together with parse overloads
125   -- that take this type.
126   type varchar2s is table of varchar2(256) index by binary_integer;
127   -- Note that with the introduction of varchar2a we will deprecate
128   -- this type, with phase out over a number of releases.
129   -- For DateTime types, the field col_scale is used to denote the
130   -- fractional seconds precision.
131   -- For Interval types, the field col_precision is used to denote
132   -- the leading field precision and the field col_scale is used to
133   -- denote the fractional seconds precision.
134   type desc_rec is record (
135         col_type            binary_integer := 0,
136         col_max_len         binary_integer := 0,
137         col_name            varchar2(32)   := '',
138         col_name_len        binary_integer := 0,
139         col_schema_name     varchar2(32)   := '',
140         col_schema_name_len binary_integer := 0,
141         col_precision       binary_integer := 0,
142         col_scale           binary_integer := 0,
143         col_charsetid       binary_integer := 0,
144         col_charsetform     binary_integer := 0,
145         col_null_ok         boolean        := TRUE);
146   type desc_tab is table of desc_rec index by binary_integer;
147   -- bug 702903 reveals that col_name can be of any length, not just 32 which
148   -- can be resolved by changing the maximum size above from 32 to 32767.
149   -- However, this will affect the signature of the package and to avoid that
150   -- side effect, the current API describe_columns is left unchanged but a new
151   -- API describe_columns2 is added at the end of this package specification.
152   -- The new API relies on a table type desc_tab2 whose array element is a new
153   -- record type desc_rec2, and desc_rec2 contains the variable col_name with a
154   -- maximum size of 32,767.
155   -- If the original API describe_columns is used and col_name encounters an
156   -- overflow, an error will be raised.
157   type desc_rec2 is record (
158         col_type            binary_integer := 0,
159         col_max_len         binary_integer := 0,
160         col_name            varchar2(32767) := '',
161         col_name_len        binary_integer := 0,
162         col_schema_name     varchar2(32)   := '',
163         col_schema_name_len binary_integer := 0,
164         col_precision       binary_integer := 0,
165         col_scale           binary_integer := 0,
166         col_charsetid       binary_integer := 0,
167         col_charsetform     binary_integer := 0,
168         col_null_ok         boolean        := TRUE);
169   type desc_tab2 is table of desc_rec2 index by binary_integer;
171   type desc_rec3 is record (
172         col_type            binary_integer := 0,
173         col_max_len         binary_integer := 0,
174         col_name            varchar2(32767) := '',
175         col_name_len        binary_integer := 0,
176         col_schema_name     varchar2(32)   := '',
177         col_schema_name_len binary_integer := 0,
178         col_precision       binary_integer := 0,
179         col_scale           binary_integer := 0,
180         col_charsetid       binary_integer := 0,
181         col_charsetform     binary_integer := 0,
182         col_null_ok         boolean        := TRUE,
183         col_type_name       varchar2(32)   := '',
184         col_type_name_len   binary_integer := 0);
185   type desc_tab3 is table of desc_rec3 index by binary_integer;
187   ------------
188   -- Bulk SQL Types
189   --
190   type Number_Table   is table of number         index by binary_integer;
191   type Varchar2_Table is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer;
192   type Date_Table     is table of date           index by binary_integer;
193   type Blob_Table     is table of Blob           index by binary_integer;
194   type Clob_Table     is table of Clob           index by binary_integer;
196 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
197   type Bfile_Table    is table of Bfile          index by binary_integer;
198 $else
199   /* BFILE datatypes are not supported */
200 $end
202 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
203   TYPE Urowid_Table   IS TABLE OF urowid         INDEX BY binary_integer;
204 $else
205   /* urowid is not supported in this environment */
206 $end
208   TYPE time_Table     IS TABLE OF time_unconstrained           INDEX BY binary_integer;
209   TYPE timestamp_Table   IS TABLE OF timestamp_unconstrained         INDEX BY binary_integer;
211 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
212   TYPE time_with_time_zone_Table IS TABLE OF TIME_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED INDEX BY binary_integer;
213   TYPE timestamp_with_time_zone_Table IS TABLE OF
215   TYPE timestamp_with_ltz_Table IS TABLE OF
217 $else
218   /* time zone features not supported in this environment */
219 $end
221   TYPE interval_year_to_MONTH_Table IS TABLE OF
222     yminterval_unconstrained INDEX BY binary_integer;
223   TYPE interval_day_to_second_Table IS TABLE OF
224     dsinterval_unconstrained INDEX BY binary_integer;
226   type Binary_Float_Table is table of binary_float index by binary_integer;
227   type Binary_Double_Table is table of binary_double index by binary_integer;
229 --  type Cfile_Table    is table of Cfile          index by binary_integer;
230   --------------
231   --  EXCEPTIONS
232   --
233   inconsistent_type exception;
234     pragma exception_init(inconsistent_type, -6562);
235   --  This exception is raised by procedure "column_value" or
236   --  "variable_value" if the type of the given out argument where
237   --  to put the requested value is different from the type of the value.
239   ----------------------------
241   --
242   function open_cursor return integer;
243   pragma restrict_references(open_cursor,RNDS,WNDS);
244   --  Open a new cursor.
245   --  When no longer needed, this cursor MUST BE CLOSED explicitly by
246   --  calling "close_cursor".
247   --  Return value:
248   --    Cursor id number of the new cursor.
249   --
250   function is_open(c in integer) return boolean;
251   pragma restrict_references(is_open,RNDS,WNDS);
252   --  Return TRUE is the given cursor is currently open.
253   --  Input parameters:
254   --    c
255   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to check.
256   --  Return value:
257   --    TRUE if the given cursor is open,
258   --    FALSE if it is not.
259   --
260   procedure close_cursor(c in out integer);
261   pragma restrict_references(close_cursor,RNDS,WNDS);
262   --  Close the given cursor.
263   --  Input parameters:
264   --    c
265   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to close.
266   --  Output parameters:
267   --    c
268   --      Will be nulled.
269   --
271   procedure parse(c in integer, statement in varchar2,
272                   language_flag in integer);
273   procedure parse(c in integer, statement in varchar2a,
274                   lb in integer, ub in integer,
275                   lfflg in boolean, language_flag in integer);
276   procedure parse(c in integer, statement in varchar2s,
277                   lb in integer, ub in integer,
278                   lfflg in boolean, language_flag in integer);
279   --  Parse the given statement in the given cursor. NOTE THAT PARSING AND
281   --  Currently, the deferred parsing feature of the Oracle  Call Interface
282   --  is not used. As a result, statements are parsed immediately. In addition,
283   --  DDL statements are executed immediately when parsed. However,
284   --  the behavior may change in the future so that the actual parsing
285   --  (and execution of DDL statement) do not occur until the cursor is
286   --  executed with "execute".
288   --  Input parameters:
289   --    c
290   --      Cursor id number of the cursor in where to parse the statement.
291   --
292   --    statement
293   --      Statement to parse.
294   --      Supported statement types are: varchar2, clob, varchar2a, varchar2s
295   --
296   --      For varchar2a and varchar2s statement types, the statement is not in
297   --      one piece but resides in little pieces in the PL/SQL table
298   --      "statement".
299   --      Conceptually what happens is that the SQL string is put together as
300   --      follows:
301   --      String := statement(lb) || statement(lb + 1) || ... || statement(ub);
302   --      Then a regular parse follows.
303   --      If "lfflg" is TRUE then a newline is inserted after each piece.
304   --
305   --    lb
306   --      Lower bound for elements in the varchar2a/varchar2s statement type.
307   --
308   --    ub
309   --      Upper bound for elements in the varchar2a/varchar2s statement type.
310   --
311   --    lfflg
312   --      Line Feed flag for the varchar2a/varchar2s statement type.
313   --      If TRUE, then insert a linefeed after each element on concatenation.
314   --
315   --    language_flag
316   --      Specifies behavior for statement. Valid values are v6, v7 and NATIVE.
317   --      v6 and v7 specifies behavior according to Version 6 and ORACLE7,
318   --      respectively. NATIVE specifies behavior according to the version
319   --      of the database the program is connected to.
320   --
321   --    edition
322   --      Specifies the edition to run the statement in.  Passing NULL
323   --      indicates the statement should to run in the caller's
324   --      current edition.
325   --
326   --      If the edition is specified with a non-NULL value, the user
327   --      with which the statement is to be executed must have USE
328   --      privilege on the named edition.
329   --
330   --    apply_crossedition_trigger
331   --      Specifies the unqualified name of a crossedition trigger
332   --      that is to be applied to the specified SQL.  The name is
333   --      resolved using the edition and current_schema setting in
334   --      which the statement is to be executed.  The trigger must be
335   --      owned by the user that will execute the statement.
336   --
337   --      If a non-NULL value is specified, the specified crossedition
338   --      trigger will be executed assuming fire_apply_trigger is
339   --      TRUE, the trigger is enabled, the trigger is defined on the
340   --      table which is the target of the statement, the type of the
341   --      statement matches the trigger's dml_event_clause, any
342   --      effective WHEN and UPDATE OF restrictions are satisfied,
343   --      etc.
344   --
345   --      Other triggers may also be executed, chosen according to
346   --      special rules that apply when DML is issued from within the
350   --      trigger, only other forward crossedition triggers that
347   --      body of a crossedition trigger, in this circumstance chosen
348   --      as if the DML being parsed was issued from the body of the
349   --      trigger named in this parameter.  For a forward crossedition
351   --      directly and indirectly specify that they "FOLLOWS" the
352   --      specified trigger, or are installed as part of later
353   --      editions, will be executed.  For a reverse crossedition
354   --      trigger, only other reverse crossedition triggers that
355   --      directly and indirectly specify that they "PRECEDES" the
356   --      specified trigger, or are installed as part of earlier
357   --      editions, will be executed.  Non-crossedition triggers owned
358   --      by the same user as the crossedition trigger will not be
359   --      executed; an ORA-25034 will result if any non-crossedition
360   --      trigger owned by a user other than the owner of the
361   --      specified crossedition trigger exists for the target table.
362   --
363   --      It is expected that this parameter will be specified in
364   --      two situations:
365   --
366   --        1) To apply a forward crossedition trigger to pre-existing
367   --           data, either through direct use of DBMS_SQL or via some
368   --           further package layer such as DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.
369   --
370   --        2) When a crossedition trigger wishes to itself execute
371   --           a statement via DBMS_SQL, and desires that the special
372   --           trigger selection rules discussed above should be used.
373   --           These special trigger selection rules are used
374   --           automatically when statically-embedded or
375   --           native-dynamic SQL is issued directly from the body of
376   --           a crossedition trigger, but since DBMS_SQL is itself a
377   --           package outside the trigger's own body, these rules
378   --           will not apply for DBMS_SQL executions unless this
379   --           parameter is used to request them.  For this usage, the
380   --           crossedition trigger should specify its own name in
381   --           this parameter to cause the selection of other
382   --           crossedition triggers according to the proper FOLLOWS
383   --           or PRECEDES relationships.
384   --
385   --    fire_apply_trigger
386   --      Indicates whether the specified apply_crossedition_trigger
387   --      is itself to be executed, or should only be a guide used in
388   --      selecting other triggers.  This is typically set FALSE when
389   --      the statement is a replacement for the actions the
390   --      apply_crossedition_trigger would itself perform.  If FALSE,
391   --      the specified trigger is not executed, but other triggers
392   --      are still selected for firing as if the specified trigger
393   --      was doing a DML to the table that is the target of the
394   --      statement.
395   --
396   --      The apply_crossedition_trigger and fire_apply_trigger
397   --      parameters are error checked but are not otherwise
398   --      meaningful when the statement being parsed is not a DML.
399   --
400   --    schema
401   --      Specifies the schema to parse the statement with.
402   --
403   --    container
404   --      Specifies the container to parse the statement with.
405   --      If null or unspecified, the calling container is the target container
406   --      and no container switch is performed. If a valid container name is
407   --      specified, the current user must be a common user with SET CONTAINER
408   --      privilege to switch to the target container.
409   --
410   --      If container switched, the default logon roles are enabled.
411   --
412   --    NOTE:
413   --    The contents of the edition, apply_crossedition_trigger, schema, and
414   --    container parameter values are processed as a SQL identifier;
415   --    double-quotes must surround the remainder of the string if special
416   --    characters or lower case characters are present in the parameter's
417   --    actual name, and if double-quotes are not used the contents will be
418   --    uppercased.
419   --
421   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2, value in number);
422   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
423   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
424                           value in varchar2 character set any_cs);
425   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
426   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
427                           value in varchar2 character set any_cs,
428                           out_value_size in integer);
429   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
430   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2, value in date);
431   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
433   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2, value in blob);
434   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
435   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
436                           value in clob character set any_cs);
437   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
439 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
440   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2, value in bfile);
441   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
442 $else
443   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
444 $end
446   procedure bind_variable_char(c in integer, name in varchar2,
447                                value in char character set any_cs);
448   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable_char,WNDS);
452   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable_char,WNDS);
449   procedure bind_variable_char(c in integer, name in varchar2,
450                                value in char character set any_cs,
451                                out_value_size in integer);
453   procedure bind_variable_raw(c in integer, name in varchar2,
454                               value in raw);
455   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable_raw,WNDS);
456   procedure bind_variable_raw(c in integer, name in varchar2,
457                               value in raw, out_value_size in integer);
458   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable_raw,WNDS);
459   procedure bind_variable_rowid(c in integer, name in varchar2,
460                               value in rowid);
461   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable_rowid,WNDS);
462   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
463                        n_tab in Number_Table);
464   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
465   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
466                        c_tab in Varchar2_Table);
467   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
468   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
469                        d_tab in Date_Table);
470   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
472   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
473                        bl_tab in Blob_Table);
474   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
475   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
476                        cl_tab in Clob_Table);
477   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
479 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
480   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
481                        bf_tab in Bfile_Table);
482   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
483 $else
484   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
485 $end
487   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
488                        n_tab in Number_Table,
489                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
490   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
491   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
492                        c_tab in Varchar2_Table,
493                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
494   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
495   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
496                        d_tab in Date_Table,
497                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
498   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
500   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
501                        bl_tab in Blob_Table,
502                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
503   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
504   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
505                        cl_tab in Clob_Table,
506                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
507   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
509 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
510   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
511                        bf_tab in Bfile_Table,
512                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
513   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
514 $else
515   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
516 $end
518   --  Bind the given value to the variable identified by its name
519   --  in the parsed statement in the given cursor.
520   --  If the variable is an in or in/out variable, the given bind value
521   --  should be a valid one.  If the variable is an out variable, the
522   --  given bind value is ignored.
523   --  Input parameters:
524   --    c
525   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to bind.
526   --    name
527   --      Name of the variable in the statement.
528   --    value
529   --      Value to bind to the variable in the cursor.
530   --      If the variable is an out or in/out variable, its type is the same
531   --      as the type of the value being passed in for this parameter.
532   --    out_value_size
533   --      Maximum expected out value size in bytes for the varchar2
534   --      out or in/out variable.  If it is not given for the varchar2
535   --      out or in/out variable, the size is the length of the current
536   --      "value".
537   --    n_tab, c_tab, d_tab, bl_tab, cl_tab, bf_tab
538   --      For array execute operations, where the user wishes to execute
539   --      the SQL statement multiple times without returning control to
540   --      the caller, a list of values can be bound to this variable.  This
541   --      functionality is like the array execute feature of OCI, where a
542   --      list of values in a PLSQL index table can be inserted into a SQL
543   --      table with a single (parameterized) call to execute.
544   --    index1, index2
545   --      For array execute, instead of using the entire index table, the
546   --      user may chose to limit it to a range of values.
547   --
549   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer, column in number);
550   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
551   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
552                           column in varchar2 character set any_cs,
553                           column_size in integer);
554   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
555   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer, column in date);
556   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
558   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer, column in blob);
562   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
559   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
560   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
561                           column in clob character set any_cs);
564 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
565   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer, column in bfile);
566   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
567 $else
568   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
569 $end
571   procedure define_column_char(c in integer, position in integer,
572                                column in char character set any_cs,
573                                column_size in integer);
574   pragma restrict_references(define_column_char,RNDS,WNDS);
575   procedure define_column_raw(c in integer, position in integer,
576                               column in raw,
577                               column_size in integer);
578   pragma restrict_references(define_column_raw,RNDS,WNDS);
579   procedure define_column_rowid(c in integer, position in integer,
580                                 column in rowid);
581   pragma restrict_references(define_column_rowid,RNDS,WNDS);
582   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
583                          n_tab in Number_Table,
584                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
585   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
586   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
587                          c_tab in Varchar2_Table,
588                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
589   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
590   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
591                          d_tab in Date_Table,
592                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
593   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
595   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
596                          bl_tab in Blob_Table,
597                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
598   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
599   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
600                          cl_tab in Clob_Table,
601                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
602   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
604 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
605   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
606                          bf_tab in Bfile_Table,
607                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
608   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
609 $else
610   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
611 $end
613   --  Define a column to be selected from the given cursor; so this
614   --  procedure is applicable only to SELECT cursors.
615   --  The column being defined is identified by its relative position as
616   --  it appears on the select list in the statement in the given cursor.
617   --  The type of the column to be defined is the type of the value
618   --  being passed in for parameter "column".
619   --  Input parameters:
620   --    c
621   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to define the row to be selected.
622   --    position
623   --      Position of the column in the row being defined.
624   --    column
625   --      Type of the value being passed in for this parameter is
626   --      the type of the column to be defined.
627   --    column_size
628   --      Maximum expected size of the value in bytes for the
629   --      varchar2 column.
630   --
631   function execute(c in integer) return integer;
632   --  Execute the given cursor and return the number of rows processed
633   --  (valid and meaningful only for INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements;
634   --  for other types of statements, the return value is undefined and
635   --  should be ignored).
636   --  Input parameters:
637   --    c
638   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to execute.
639   --  Return value:
640   --    Number of rows processed if the statement in the cursor is
641   --    either an INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statement or undefined otherwise.
642   --
643   function fetch_rows(c in integer) return integer;
644   pragma restrict_references(fetch_rows,WNDS);
645   --  Fetch rows from the given cursor. The function tries to fetch a
646   --  row. As long as "fetch_rows" is able to fetch a
647   --  row, it can be called repeatedly to fetch additional rows. If no
648   --  row was actually fetched, "fetch_rows"
649   --  cannot be called to fetch additional rows.
650   --  Input parameters:
651   --    c
652   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to fetch.
653   --  Return value:
654   --    The number of rows actually fetched.
655   --
656   function execute_and_fetch(c in integer, exact in boolean default false)
657   return integer;
658   pragma restrict_references(execute_and_fetch,WNDS);
659   --  Execute the given cursor and fetch rows. Gives the same functionality
660   --  as a call to "execute"
661   --  followed by a call to "fetch_rows". However, this function can
662   --  potentially cut down on the number of message round-trips compared to
663   --  calling "execute" and "fetch_rows" separately.
664   --  Input parameters:
665   --    c
666   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to execute and fetch.
667   --    exact
668   --      Raise an exception if the number of rows matching the query
669   --      differs from one.
670   --  Return value:
671   --    The number of rows actually fetched.
675   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
672   --
673   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out number);
674   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
676                          value out varchar2 character set any_cs);
677   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
678   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out date);
679   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
681   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out blob);
682   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
683   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
684                          value out clob character set any_cs);
685   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
687 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
688   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out bfile);
689   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
690 $else
691   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
692 $end
694   procedure column_value_char(c in integer, position in integer,
695                               value out char character set any_cs);
696   pragma restrict_references(column_value_char,RNDS,WNDS);
697   procedure column_value_raw(c in integer, position in integer, value out raw);
698   pragma restrict_references(column_value_raw,RNDS,WNDS);
699   procedure column_value_rowid(c in integer, position in integer,
700                                value out rowid);
701   pragma restrict_references(column_value_rowid,RNDS,WNDS);
702   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out number,
703                          column_error out number, actual_length out integer);
704   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
705   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
706                          value out varchar2 character set any_cs,
707                          column_error out number, actual_length out integer);
708   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
709   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer, value out date,
710                          column_error out number, actual_length out integer);
711   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
712   procedure column_value_char(c in integer, position in integer,
713                               value out char character set any_cs,
714                               column_error out number,
715                               actual_length out integer);
716   pragma restrict_references(column_value_char,RNDS,WNDS);
717   procedure column_value_raw(c in integer, position in integer, value out raw,
718                              column_error out number,
719                              actual_length out integer);
720   pragma restrict_references(column_value_raw,RNDS,WNDS);
721   procedure column_value_rowid(c in integer, position in integer,
722                              value out rowid, column_error out number,
723                              actual_length out integer);
724   pragma restrict_references(column_value_rowid,RNDS,WNDS);
726   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
727                          n_tab in out nocopy Number_table);
728   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
729   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
730                          c_tab in out nocopy Varchar2_table);
731   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
732   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
733                          d_tab in out nocopy Date_table);
734   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
736   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
737                          bl_tab in out nocopy Blob_table);
738   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
739   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
740                          cl_tab in out nocopy Clob_table);
741   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
743 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
744   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
745                          bf_tab in out nocopy Bfile_table);
746   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
747 $else
748   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
749 $end
751   --  Get a value of the column identified by the given position
752   --  and the given cursor. This procedure is used to access the data
753   --  retrieved by "fetch_rows".
754   --  Input parameters:
755   --    c
756   --      Cursor id number of the cursor from which to get the value.
757   --    position
758   --      Position of the column of which to get the value.
759   --  Output parameters:
760   --    value
761   --      Value of the column.
762   --    column_error
763   --      Any column error code associated with "value".
764   --    actual_length
765   --      The actual length of "value" in the table before any truncation
766   --      during the fetch.
767   --  Exceptions:
768   --    inconsistent_type (ORA-06562)
769   --      Raised if the type of the given out parameter "value" is
770   --      different from the actual type of the value.  This type was
771   --      the given type when the column was defined by calling procedure
772   --      "define_column".
773   --  NOTES:
774   --    value parameter is an "IN OUT NOCOPY" parameter for bulk operations.
775   --    For bulk operations, "column_value" appends the new elements
776   --    at the appropriate (implicitly maintained) index. For instance
780   --    the "fetch_rows" will populate elements at index 1..10, and
777   --    if on the "define_array" a batch size (i.e. the "cnt" parameter)
778   --    of 10 rows was specified and a start index (lower_bound) of
779   --    1 was specified, then the first call to "column_value" after
781   --    the next call will populate elements 11..20, and so on.
782   --
783   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
784                            value out number);
785   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
786   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
787                            value out varchar2 character set any_cs);
788   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
789   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
790                            value out date);
791   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
793   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2, value out blob);
794   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
795   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
796                            value out clob character set any_cs);
797   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
799 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
800   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2, value out bfile);
801   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
802 $else
803   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
804 $end
806   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
807                            value out nocopy Number_table);
808   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
809   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
810                            value out nocopy Varchar2_table);
811   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
812   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
813                            value out nocopy Date_table);
814   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
816   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
817                            value out nocopy Blob_table);
818   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
819   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
820                            value out nocopy Clob_table);
821   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
823 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
824   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
825                            value out nocopy Bfile_table);
826   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
827 $else
828   /* BFILE overloads are not supported */
829 $end
831   procedure variable_value_char(c in integer, name in varchar2,
832                                 value out char character set any_cs);
833   pragma restrict_references(variable_value_char,RNDS,WNDS);
834   procedure variable_value_raw(c in integer, name in varchar2,
835                                value out raw);
836   pragma restrict_references(variable_value_raw,RNDS,WNDS);
837   procedure variable_value_rowid(c in integer, name in varchar2,
838                                  value out rowid);
839   pragma restrict_references(variable_value_rowid,RNDS,WNDS);
841   --  Get a value or values of the variable identified by the name
842   --  and the given cursor.
843   --  Input parameters:
844   --    c
845   --      Cursor id number of the cursor from which to get the value.
846   --    name
847   --      Name of the variable of which to get the value.
848   --  Output parameters:
849   --    value
850   --      Value of the variable.
851   --  Exceptions:
852   --    inconsistent_type (ORA-06562)
853   --      Raised if the type of the given out parameter "value" is
854   --      different from the actual type of the value.  This type was
855   --      the given type when the variable was bound by calling procedure
856   --      "bind_variable".
857   --  NOTES:
858   --    For bulk operations, value parameter is an "OUT NOCOPY" parameter.
859   --
860   function last_error_position return integer;
861   pragma restrict_references(last_error_position,RNDS,WNDS);
862   function last_sql_function_code return integer;
863   pragma restrict_references(last_sql_function_code,RNDS,WNDS);
864   function last_row_count return integer;
865   pragma restrict_references(last_row_count,RNDS,WNDS);
866   function last_row_id return rowid;
867   pragma restrict_references(last_row_id,RNDS,WNDS);
868   --  Get various information for the last-operated cursor in the session.
869   --  To ensure that the information relates to a particular cursor,
870   --  the functions should be called after an operation on that cursor and
871   --  before any other operation on any other cursor.
872   --  Return value:
873   --    last_error_position
874   --      Relative position in the statement when the error occurs.
875   --    last_sql_function_code
876   --      SQL function code of the statement. See list in OCI manual.
877   --    last_row_count
878   --      Cumulative count of rows fetched.
879   --    last_row_id
880   --      Rowid of the last processed row.
881   --
882  ------------
883   --  EXAMPLES
884   --
885   --  create or replace procedure copy(source in varchar2,
886   --                                   destination in varchar2) is
887   --    --  This procedure copies rows from a given source table to
888   --        a given destination table assuming that both source and destination
889   --    --  tables have the following columns:
893   --    id number;
890   --    --    - ID of type NUMBER,
891   --    --    - NAME of type VARCHAR2(30),
892   --    --    - BIRTHDATE of type DATE.
894   --    name varchar2(30);
895   --    birthdate date;
896   --    source_cursor integer;
897   --    destination_cursor integer;
898   --    rows_processed integer;
899   --  begin
900   --    -- prepare a cursor to select from the source table
901   --    source_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
902   --    dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,
903   --                   'select id, name, birthdate from ' || source,
904   --                   dbms_sql.native);
905   --    dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor, 1, id);
906   --    dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor, 2, name, 30);
907   --    dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor, 3, birthdate);
908   --    rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(source_cursor);
909   --
910   --    -- prepare a cursor to insert into the destination table
911   --    destination_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
912   --    dbms_sql.parse(destination_cursor,
913   --                   'insert into ' || destination ||
914   --                   ' values (:id, :name, :birthdate)',
915   --                   dbms_sql.native);
916   --
917   --    -- fetch a row from the source table and
918   --    -- insert it into the destination table
919   --    loop
920   --      if dbms_sql.fetch_rows(source_cursor)>0 then
921   --        -- get column values of the row
922   --        dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor, 1, id);
923   --        dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor, 2, name);
924   --        dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor, 3, birthdate);
925   --        -- bind the row into the cursor which insert
926   --        -- into the destination table
927   --        dbms_sql.bind_variable(destination_cursor, 'id', id);
928   --        dbms_sql.bind_variable(destination_cursor, 'name', name);
929   --        dbms_sql.bind_variable(destination_cursor, 'birthdate', birthdate);
930   --        rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(destination_cursor);
931   --      else
932   --        -- no more row to copy
933   --        exit;
934   --      end if;
935   --    end loop;
936   --
937   --    -- commit and close all cursors
938   --    commit;
939   --    dbms_sql.close_cursor(source_cursor);
940   --    dbms_sql.close_cursor(destination_cursor);
941   --  exception
942   --    when others then
943   --      if dbms_sql.is_open(source_cursor) then
944   --        dbms_sql.close_cursor(source_cursor);
945   --      end if;
946   --      if dbms_sql.is_open(destination_cursor) then
947   --        dbms_sql.close_cursor(destination_cursor);
948   --      end if;
949   --      raise;
950   --  end;
951   --
952   procedure column_value_long(c in integer, position in integer,
953                               length in integer, offset in integer,
954                               value out varchar2, value_length out integer);
955   pragma restrict_references(column_value_long,RNDS,WNDS);
956   --  Get (part of) the value of a long column.
957   --  Input parameters:
958   --    c
959   --      Cursor id number of the cursor from which to get the value.
960   --    position
961   --      Position of the column of which to get the value.
962   --    length
963   --      Number of bytes of the long value to fetch.
964   --    offset
965   --      Offset into the long field for start of fetch.
966   --  Output parameters:
967   --    value
968   --      Value of the column as a varchar2.
969   --    value_length
970   --      The number of bytes actually returned in value.
971   --
972   procedure define_column_long(c in integer, position in integer);
973   pragma restrict_references(define_column_long,RNDS,WNDS);
974   --  Define a column to be selected from the given cursor; so this
975   --  procedure is applicable only to SELECT cursors.
976   --  The column being defined is identified by its relative position as
977   --  it appears on the select list in the statement in the given cursor.
978   --  The type of the column to be defined is the type LONG.
979   --  Input parameters:
980   --    c
981   --      Cursor id number of the cursor to define the row to be selected.
982   --    position
983   --      Position of the column in the row being defined.
984   --
986   procedure describe_columns(c in integer, col_cnt out integer,
987                              desc_t out desc_tab);
988   pragma restrict_references(describe_columns,WNDS);
989   -- Get the description for the specified column.
990   -- Input parameters:
991   --    c
992   --      Cursor id number of the cursor from which to describe the column.
993   -- Output Parameters:
994   --     col_cnt
995   --      The number of columns in the select list of the query.
996   --    desc_tab
997   --      The describe table to fill in with the description of each of the
998   --      columns of the query.  This table is indexed from one to the number
999   --      of elements in the select list of the query.
1000   --
1001   -- Urowid support
1002 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1003   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1004                           value in urowid);
1006   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1008   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1009                           column in urowid);
1010   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1012   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1013                          value out urowid);
1017                            value out urowid);
1014   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1016   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1018   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1020   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1021                        ur_tab in Urowid_Table);
1022   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1024   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1025                        ur_tab in Urowid_Table,
1026                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1027   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1029   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1030                          ur_tab in Urowid_Table,
1031                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1032   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1034   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1035                          ur_tab in out nocopy Urowid_table);
1036   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1038   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1039                            value out nocopy  Urowid_Table);
1040   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1041 $else
1042   /* urowid is not supported in this environment */
1043 $end
1045   -- Datetime support
1046   -- time
1047   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1048                           value in time_unconstrained);
1050   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1052   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1053                           column in time_unconstrained);
1055   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1057   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1058                          value out time_unconstrained);
1060   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1062   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1063                            value out time_unconstrained);
1065   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1067   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1068                        tm_tab in Time_Table);
1069   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1071   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1072                        tm_tab in Time_Table,
1073                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1074   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1076   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1077                          tm_tab in Time_Table,
1078                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1079   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1081   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1082                          tm_tab in out nocopy Time_table);
1083   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1085   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1086                            value out nocopy Time_Table);
1087   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1089   -- timestamp_unconstrained
1090   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1091                           value in timestamp_unconstrained);
1093   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1095   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1096                           column in timestamp_unconstrained);
1098   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1100   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1101                          value out timestamp_unconstrained);
1103   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1105   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1106                            value out timestamp_unconstrained);
1108   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1110   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1111                        tms_tab in Timestamp_Table);
1112   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1114   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1115                        tms_tab in Timestamp_Table,
1116                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1117   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1119   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1120                          tms_tab in Timestamp_Table,
1121                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1122   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1124   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1125                          tms_tab in out nocopy Timestamp_table);
1126   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1128   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1129                            value out nocopy Timestamp_Table);
1130   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1132   -- time with timezone
1133 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1134   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1135                           value in TIME_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1137   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1139   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1140                           column in TIME_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1142   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1147   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1144   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1145                          value out TIME_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1149   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1150                            value out TIME_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED );
1152   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1154   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1155                        ttz_tab in Time_With_Time_Zone_Table);
1156   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1158   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1159                        ttz_tab in Time_With_Time_Zone_Table,
1160                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1161   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1163   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1164                          ttz_tab in Time_With_Time_Zone_Table,
1165                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1166   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1168   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1169                          ttz_tab in out nocopy time_with_time_zone_table);
1170   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1172   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1173                            value out nocopy Time_With_Time_Zone_Table);
1175   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1177   -- timestamp with timezone
1178   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1179                           value in TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1181   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1183   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1184                           column in TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1186   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1188   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1189                          value out TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1191   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1193   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1194                            value out TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1196   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1198   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1199                        tstz_tab in Timestamp_With_Time_Zone_Table);
1200   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1202   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1203                        tstz_tab in Timestamp_With_Time_Zone_Table,
1204                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1205   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1207   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1208                          tstz_tab in Timestamp_With_Time_Zone_Table,
1209                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1210   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1212   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1213                         tstz_tab in out nocopy timestamp_with_time_zone_table);
1214   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1216   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1217                            value out nocopy Timestamp_With_Time_Zone_Table);
1218   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1220     -- timestamp with local timezone
1221   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1222                           value in TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1224   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1226   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1227                           column in TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1229   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1231   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1232                          value out TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1234   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1236   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1237                            value out TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED);
1239   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1241   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1242                        tstz_tab in timestamp_with_ltz_Table);
1243   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1245   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1246                        tstz_tab in timestamp_with_ltz_Table,
1247                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1248   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1250   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1251                          tstz_tab in timestamp_with_ltz_Table,
1252                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1253   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1255   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1256                          tstz_tab in out nocopy timestamp_with_ltz_Table);
1257   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1259   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1260                            value out nocopy timestamp_with_ltz_Table);
1261   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1262 $else
1263   /* time zone features not supported in this environment */
1264 $end
1267   -- Interval support
1268   -- yminterval_unconstrained
1272   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1269   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1270                           value in YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1274   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1275                           column in YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1277   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1279   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1280                          value out YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1282   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1284   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1285                            value out YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1287   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1289   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1290                        iym_tab in Interval_Year_To_Month_Table);
1291   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1293   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1294                        iym_tab in Interval_Year_To_Month_Table,
1295                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1296   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1298   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1299                          iym_tab in Interval_Year_To_Month_Table,
1300                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1301   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1303   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1304                          iym_tab in out nocopy interval_year_to_month_table);
1305   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1307   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1308                            value out nocopy Interval_Year_To_Month_Table);
1309   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1312   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1313                           value in DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1315   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1317   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1318                           column in DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1320   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1322   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1323                          value out DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1325   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1327   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1328                            value out DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED);
1330   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1332   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1333                        ids_tab in Interval_Day_To_Second_Table);
1334   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1336   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1337                        ids_tab in Interval_Day_To_Second_Table,
1338                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1339   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1341   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1342                          ids_tab in Interval_Day_To_Second_Table,
1343                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1344   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1346   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1347                          ids_tab in out nocopy interval_day_to_second_table);
1348   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1350   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1351                            value out nocopy Interval_Day_To_Second_Table);
1352   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1354   procedure describe_columns2(c in integer, col_cnt out integer,
1355                               desc_t out desc_tab2);
1356   pragma restrict_references(describe_columns2,WNDS);
1358   -- Get the description for the specified column.
1359   -- Bug 702903: This is a replacement for - or an alternative to - the
1360   -- describe_columns API.
1361   -- Input parameters:
1362   --    c
1363   --      Cursor id number of the cursor from which to describe the column.
1364   -- Output Parameters:
1365   --     col_cnt
1366   --      The number of columns in the select list of the query.
1367   --    desc_tab2
1368   --      The describe table to fill in with the description of each of the
1369   --      columns of the query.  This table is indexed from one to the number
1370   --      of elements in the select list of the query.
1372   -- binary_float
1373   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1374                           value in binary_float);
1375   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1377   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1378                           column in binary_float);
1379   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1381   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1382                          value out binary_float);
1383   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1385   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1386                            value out binary_float);
1387   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1389   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1390                        bflt_tab in Binary_Float_Table);
1391   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1395                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1393   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1394                        bflt_tab in Binary_Float_Table,
1396   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1398   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1399                          bflt_tab in Binary_Float_Table,
1400                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1401   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1403   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1404                          bflt_tab in out nocopy Binary_Float_Table);
1405   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1407   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1408                            value out nocopy Binary_Float_Table);
1409   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1411   -- binary_double
1412   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1413                           value in binary_double);
1414   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1416   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in integer,
1417                           column in binary_double);
1418   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1420   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1421                          value out binary_double);
1422   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1424   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1425                            value out binary_double);
1426   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1428   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1429                        bdbl_tab in Binary_Double_Table);
1430   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1432   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1433                        bdbl_tab in Binary_Double_Table,
1434                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1435   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1437   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1438                          bdbl_tab in Binary_Double_Table,
1439                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1440   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1442   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1443                          bdbl_tab in out nocopy Binary_Double_Table);
1444   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1446   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1447                            value out nocopy Binary_Double_Table);
1448   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1450   -- Procedures and functions new in release 11
1452 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1453   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1454                           value in "<ADT_1>");
1455   pragma interface(c, bind_variable);
1456   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1458   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1459                           value in REF "<ADT_1>");
1460   pragma interface(c, bind_variable);
1461   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1462 $else
1463   /* ADT or schema level collection not supported in this environment */
1464 $end
1466   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1467                           value in "<TABLE_1>");
1468   pragma interface(c, bind_variable);
1469   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1471   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1472                           value in "<VARRAY_1>");
1473   pragma interface(c, bind_variable);
1474   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1476 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1477   procedure bind_variable(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1478                           value in "<OPAQUE_1>");
1479   pragma interface(c, bind_variable);
1480   pragma restrict_references(bind_variable,WNDS);
1482   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1483                            value out "<ADT_1>");
1484   pragma interface(c, variable_value);
1485   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1487   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1488                            value out REF "<ADT_1>");
1489   pragma interface(c, variable_value);
1490   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1491 $else
1492   /* ADT or schema level collection not supported in this environment */
1493 $end
1495   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1496                            value out "<TABLE_1>");
1497   pragma interface(c, variable_value);
1498   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1500   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1501                            value out "<VARRAY_1>");
1502   pragma interface(c, variable_value);
1503   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1505 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1506   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1507                            value out "<OPAQUE_1>");
1508   pragma interface(c, variable_value);
1509   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1511   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1512                           column in "<ADT_1>");
1513   pragma interface(c, define_column);
1514   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1516   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1520 $else
1517                           column in REF "<ADT_1>");
1518   pragma interface(c, define_column);
1519   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1521   /* ADT or schema level collection not supported in this environment */
1522 $end
1524   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1525                           column in "<TABLE_1>");
1526   pragma interface(c, define_column);
1527   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1529   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1530                           column in "<VARRAY_1>");
1531   pragma interface(c, define_column);
1532   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1534 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1535   procedure define_column(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1536                           column in "<OPAQUE_1>");
1537   pragma interface(c, define_column);
1538   pragma restrict_references(define_column,RNDS,WNDS);
1540   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1541                          value out "<ADT_1>");
1542   pragma interface(c, column_value);
1543   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1545   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1546                          value out REF "<ADT_1>");
1547   pragma interface(c, column_value);
1548   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1549 $else
1550   /* ADT or schema level collection not supported in this environment */
1551 $end
1553   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1554                          value out "<TABLE_1>");
1555   pragma interface(c, column_value);
1556   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1558   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1559                          value out "<VARRAY_1>");
1560   pragma interface(c, column_value);
1561   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1563 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1564   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in binary_integer,
1565                          value out "<OPAQUE_1>");
1566   pragma interface(c, column_value);
1567   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1568 $else
1569   /* ADT or schema level collection not supported in this environment */
1570 $end
1572   procedure describe_columns3(c in integer, col_cnt out integer,
1573                               desc_t out desc_tab3);
1574   pragma restrict_references(describe_columns3,WNDS);
1575   -- Like describe_columns2 defined above.  The description records
1576   -- from this call include information about columns' user-defined types.
1578   function to_refcursor(cursor_number in out integer) return sys_refcursor;
1579   pragma restrict_references(to_refcursor,RNDS,WNDS);
1581   --  This function takes a DBMS_SQL OPENed, PARSEd, and EXECUTEd cursor
1582   --  and transforms/migrates it into a PL/SQL manageable REF CURSOR
1583   --  (weakly-typed cursor) that can be consumed by PL/SQL native dynamic SQL.
1584   --  This function is only used with SELECT cursors.
1585   --  Once the cursor_number is transformed into a REF CURSOR, the
1586   --  cursor_number is no longer accessible by any DBMS_SQL operations.
1587   -- Input parameters:
1588   --   cursor_number
1589   --     Cursor number of the cursor to be transformed into REF CURSOR.
1590   -- Output parameters:
1591   --   cursor_number
1592   --     Cursor number will be NULLed.
1593   --  Return value:
1594   --    PL/SQL REF CURSOR transformed from a DBMS_SQL cursor number.
1595   --
1597   function to_cursor_number(rc in out sys_refcursor) return integer;
1598   pragma restrict_references(to_cursor_number,RNDS,WNDS);
1600   --  This function takes an OPENed strongly or weakly-typed ref cursor and
1601   --  transforms it into a DBMS_SQL cursor number.
1602   -- Input parameters:
1603   --   rc
1604   --     REF Cursor to be transformed into cursor number.
1605   --  Return value:
1606   --    DBMS_SQL manageable cursor number transformed from a REF CURSOR.
1607   --  Once the REF CURSOR is transformed into a DBMS_SQL cursor number,
1608   --  the REF CURSOR is no longer accessible by any native dynamic SQL
1609   --  operations.
1610   --
1612   procedure parse(c in integer, statement in clob,
1613                   language_flag in integer);
1616   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1617   -- Extended overloads for parse
1619 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1620   procedure parse(c in integer,
1621                   statement in varchar2,
1622                   language_flag in integer,
1623                   edition in varchar2);
1624   --
1625   procedure parse(c in integer,
1626                   statement in varchar2,
1627                   language_flag in integer,
1628                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1629                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2,
1630                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE);
1632   --
1633   procedure parse(c in integer,
1634                   statement in clob,
1635                   language_flag in integer,
1636                   edition in varchar2);
1637   --
1638   procedure parse(c in integer,
1639                   statement in clob,
1640                   language_flag in integer,
1641                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1645   --
1642                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2,
1643                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE);
1646   procedure parse(c in integer,
1647                   statement in varchar2a,
1648                   lb in integer,
1649                   ub in integer,
1650                   lfflg in boolean,
1651                   language_flag in integer,
1652                   edition in varchar2);
1654   --
1655   procedure parse(c in integer,
1656                   statement in varchar2a,
1657                   lb in integer,
1658                   ub in integer,
1659                   lfflg in boolean,
1660                   language_flag in integer,
1661                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1662                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2,
1663                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE);
1665   --
1666   procedure parse(c in integer,
1667                   statement in varchar2s,
1668                   lb in integer,
1669                   ub in integer,
1670                   lfflg in boolean,
1671                   language_flag in integer,
1672                   edition in varchar2);
1673   --
1674   procedure parse(c in integer,
1675                   statement in varchar2s,
1676                   lb in integer,
1677                   ub in integer,
1678                   lfflg in boolean,
1679                   language_flag in integer,
1680                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1681                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2,
1682                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE);
1683 $else
1684   /* Edition overloads are not supported in this environment */
1685 $end
1687   --
1688   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1689   function open_cursor(security_level in integer) return integer;
1690   pragma restrict_references(open_cursor,RNDS,WNDS);
1691   --  This overload of open_cursor takes a security_level.
1692   --  Open a new cursor with specified security level.
1693   --  When no longer needed, this cursor MUST BE CLOSED explicitly by
1694   --  calling "close_cursor".
1695   --  Return value:
1696   --    Cursor id number of the new cursor.
1697   --
1698   --  Input parameters:
1699   --    security_level
1700   --      Specifies the level of security protection to enforce on the opened
1701   --      cursor.  Valid security level values are 0, 1, and 2.  When a NULL
1702   --      argument value is provided to this overload, as well as for cursors
1703   --      opened using the overload without the security_level parameter,
1704   --      the level of protection will be set to system default, level 1.
1705   --
1706   --      Level 0 allows all DBMS_SQL operations on the cursor without any
1707   --      security checks.  The cursor may be fetched from, and even re-bound
1708   --      and re-executed, by code running with a different effective userid
1709   --      or roles than those in effect at the time the cursor was parsed.
1710   --      By default, level 0 is disallowed.
1711   --
1712   --      Level 1 requires that the effective userid and roles of the caller
1713   --      to dbms_sql for bind and execute operations on this cursor must be
1714   --      the same as those of the caller of the most recent parse operation
1715   --      on this cursor.
1716   --
1717   --      Level 2 requires that the effective userid and roles of the caller
1718   --      to dbms_sql for all bind, execute, define, describe, and fetch
1719   --      operations on this cursor must be the same as those of the caller
1720   --      of the most recent parse operation on this cursor.
1721   --
1722   --      Should this behavior change w.r.t. Oracle Database 10g cause problems
1723   --      in extant applications, please contact Oracle Support.
1724   --
1725   --    treat_as_client_for_results
1726   --      TRUE to treat this caller as the client to receive the statement
1727   --      results returned to client. FALSE otherwise.
1728   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1730   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1731   -- Implicit result support
1732   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1733 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1734   function open_cursor(treat_as_client_for_results in boolean)
1735     return integer;
1736   pragma restrict_references(open_cursor,RNDS,WNDS);
1738   function open_cursor(security_level              in integer,
1739                        treat_as_client_for_results in boolean)
1740     return integer;
1741   pragma restrict_references(open_cursor,RNDS,WNDS);
1742 $else
1743   /* Implicit result not supported in this environment */
1744 $end
1746 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1747   procedure return_result(rc        in out sys_refcursor,
1748                           to_client in     boolean default true);
1749   procedure return_result(rc        in out integer,
1750                           to_client in     boolean default true);
1751   pragma restrict_references(return_result,RNDS,WNDS);
1752 $else
1753   /* return_result not supported in this environment */
1754 $end
1755   -- Returns the result of an executed statement to the client application.
1756   -- The result can be retrieved later by the client.
1757   --
1758   -- Or, it can return the statement result to and be retrieved later by the
1759   -- immediate caller that executes a recursive statement in which this
1760   -- statement result will be returned. The caller can be a PL/SQL stored
1764   --
1761   -- procedure executing the recursive statement via DBMS_SQL, a Java stored
1762   -- procedure via JDBC, a .NET stored procedure via ADO.NET, or an external
1763   -- procedure via OCI.
1765   -- Input parameters:
1766   --   rc
1767   --     Cursor number or the REF CURSOR of the statement to return.
1768   --   to_client
1769   --     Return the statement result to the client or not? If not, it will
1770   --     be returned to the immediate caller instead.
1771   -- Output parameters:
1772   --   rc
1773   --     Cursor number or the REF CURSOR will be NULLed.
1774   --
1775   -- NOTES:
1776   -- * In the current release, only a SQL query can be returned. And the return
1777   --   of statement results over remote procedure calls is not supported.
1778   -- * Once the statement is returned, it is no longer accessible except by
1779   --   the client or the immediate caller to which it is returned. And the
1780   --   caller of RETURN_RESULT does not need to and should not close the cursor
1781   --   of the statement after it has been returned.
1782   -- * Statement results cannot be returned when the statement being executed
1783   --   by the client or any intermediate recursive statement is a SQL query
1784   --   and an error will be raised.
1785   -- * A ref cursor being returned can be strongly or weakly-typed.
1786   -- * A query being returned can be partially fetched.
1787   -- * Because EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement provides no interface to retrieve
1788   --   the statement results returned from its recursive statement, the cursors
1789   --   of the statement results returned to the caller of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
1790   --   statement will be closed when the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement completes.
1791   --   To retrieve the returned statement results from a recursive statement in
1792   --   PL/SQL, use DBMS_SQL to execute the recursive statement instead.
1793   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1795   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1796 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1797   procedure get_next_result(c in integer, rc out sys_refcursor);
1798   procedure get_next_result(c in integer, rc out integer);
1799   pragma restrict_references(get_next_result,RNDS,WNDS);
1800 $else
1801   /* get_next_result not supported in this environment */
1802 $end
1803   -- Gets the statement of the next result returned to this caller of the
1804   -- recursive statement or, if this caller sets itself as the client for
1805   -- the recursive statement, the next result return to this client. The
1806   -- statements are returned in the same order as they are returned by
1807   -- RETURN_RESULT.
1808   --
1809   -- Input parameters:
1810   --   c
1811   --     Cursor id number of the recursive statement cursor to get the result
1812   --     from.
1813   -- Output parameters:
1814   --   rc
1815   --     Cursor number or the REF CURSOR of the statement of the result
1816   --     returned.
1817   -- Exceptions:
1818   --    no_data_found
1819   --      Raised if there is not more returned statement result.
1820   --
1821   -- NOTES:
1822   -- * After the cursor of a statement result is retrieved, the caller must
1823   --   close the cursor properly when it is no longer needed.
1824   -- * The cursors for all unretrieved returned statement results will be
1825   --   closed after the cursor of the recursive statement is closed.
1826   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1828   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1829   -- 32k varchar2 support for bind_array/define_array
1830   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1831   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1832                        c_tab in varchar2a);
1833   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1835   procedure bind_array(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1836                        c_tab in varchar2a,
1837                        index1 in integer, index2 in integer);
1838   pragma restrict_references(bind_array,WNDS);
1840   procedure define_array(c in integer, position in integer,
1841                          c_tab in varchar2a,
1842                          cnt in integer, lower_bound in integer);
1843   pragma restrict_references(define_array,RNDS,WNDS);
1845   procedure column_value(c in integer, position in integer,
1846                          c_tab in out nocopy varchar2a);
1847   pragma restrict_references(column_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1849   procedure variable_value(c in integer, name in varchar2,
1850                            value out nocopy varchar2a);
1851   pragma restrict_references(variable_value,RNDS,WNDS);
1853   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1854   -- Extended overloads for parse
1855 $if utl_ident.is_oracle_server $then
1856   procedure parse(c in integer,
1857                   statement in varchar2,
1858                   language_flag in integer,
1859                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1860                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1861                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1862                   schema in varchar2);
1863   --
1864   procedure parse(c in integer,
1865                   statement in clob,
1866                   language_flag in integer,
1867                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1868                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1869                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1870                   schema in varchar2);
1871   --
1872   procedure parse(c in integer,
1873                   statement in varchar2a,
1874                   lb in integer,
1875                   ub in integer,
1879                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1876                   lfflg in boolean,
1877                   language_flag in integer,
1878                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1880                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1881                   schema in varchar2);
1882   --
1883   procedure parse(c in integer,
1884                   statement in varchar2s,
1885                   lb in integer,
1886                   ub in integer,
1887                   lfflg in boolean,
1888                   language_flag in integer,
1889                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1890                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1891                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1892                   schema in varchar2);
1894   -- container support
1895   procedure parse(c in integer,
1896                   statement in varchar2,
1897                   language_flag in integer,
1898                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1899                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1900                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1901                   schema in varchar2 default NULL,
1902                   container in varchar2);
1903   --
1904   procedure parse(c in integer,
1905                   statement in clob,
1906                   language_flag in integer,
1907                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1908                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1909                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1910                   schema in varchar2 default NULL,
1911                   container in varchar2);
1913   --
1914   procedure parse(c in integer,
1915                   statement in varchar2a,
1916                   lb in integer,
1917                   ub in integer,
1918                   lfflg in boolean,
1919                   language_flag in integer,
1920                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1921                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1922                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1923                   schema in varchar2 default NULL,
1924                   container in varchar2);
1925   --
1926   procedure parse(c in integer,
1927                   statement in varchar2s,
1928                   lb in integer,
1929                   ub in integer,
1930                   lfflg in boolean,
1931                   language_flag in integer,
1932                   edition in varchar2 default NULL,
1933                   apply_crossedition_trigger in varchar2 default NULL,
1934                   fire_apply_trigger in boolean default TRUE,
1935                   schema in varchar2 default NULL,
1936                   container in varchar2);
1937 $else
1938   /* Edition overloads are not supported in this environment */
1939 $end
1941   -------------
1942   --  Named Datatype CONSTANTS
1943   --
1944   Varchar2_Type                         constant pls_integer :=   1;
1945   Number_Type                           constant pls_integer :=   2;
1946   Long_Type                             constant pls_integer :=   8;
1947   Rowid_Type                            constant pls_integer :=  11;
1948   Date_Type                             constant pls_integer :=  12;
1949   Raw_Type                              constant pls_integer :=  23;
1950   Long_Raw_Type                         constant pls_integer :=  24;
1951   Char_Type                             constant pls_integer :=  96;
1952   Binary_Float_Type                     constant pls_integer := 100;
1953   Binary_Double_Type                    constant pls_integer := 101;
1954   MLSLabel_Type                         constant pls_integer := 106;
1955   User_Defined_Type                     constant pls_integer := 109;
1956   Ref_Type                              constant pls_integer := 111;
1957   Clob_Type                             constant pls_integer := 112;
1958   Blob_Type                             constant pls_integer := 113;
1959   Bfile_Type                            constant pls_integer := 114;
1960   Timestamp_Type                        constant pls_integer := 180;
1961   Timestamp_With_TZ_Type                constant pls_integer := 181;
1962   Interval_Year_to_Month_Type           constant pls_integer := 182;
1963   Interval_Day_To_Second_Type           constant pls_integer := 183;
1964   Urowid_Type                           constant pls_integer := 208;
1965   Timestamp_With_Local_TZ_type          constant pls_integer := 231;
1967   -- #(10144724): The typo Binary_Bouble_Type is purposefully retained for
1968   -- backward compatibility.
1969   Binary_Bouble_Type                    constant pls_integer := 101;
1970 end;