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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

    SELECT organization_id,rowid
		FROM mtl_item_revisions_interface
    WHERE  inventory_item_id IS NULL
    AND set_process_id  = xset_id
    AND process_flag = 1
    AND (organization_id = org_id OR
         all_org = l_all_org );
Line: 38

 CURSOR cc is select distinct item_number,
            from mtl_item_revisions_interface
            where inventory_item_id is NULL
            and item_number is not NULL
            and organization_id is not NULL
            and set_process_id  = xset_id
            and process_flag = 1;
Line: 50

	CURSOR ff is select distinct inventory_item_id,
		from mtl_item_revisions_interface
		where process_flag = 1
                and   set_process_id  = xset_id
		and   transaction_id IS NULL --Bug: 3019435 Added condition
		and   (organization_id = org_id or
			all_org = 1);
Line: 63

      SELECT  rowid
		  FROM  mtl_item_revisions_interface
		 WHERE  process_flag = 1
         AND  set_process_id  = xset_id
		   AND  transaction_type = 'CREATE'
         AND  revision_id IS NULL
		   AND (organization_id = org_id OR all_org = 1)
       ORDER BY revision;
Line: 89

   CURSOR ct is select distinct transaction_id
           from mtl_item_revisions_interface
           where inventory_item_id is NULL
           and transaction_id is not NULL
           and organization_id is not NULL
           and set_process_id  = xset_id
           and process_flag = 1;
Line: 108

        set i.organization_id = (select o.organization_id
                from MTL_PARAMETERS o
                where o.organization_code = i.organization_code)
        where i.organization_id is NULL
        and   set_process_id  = xset_id
        and   i.process_flag = l_process_flag_1;
Line: 124

 	             SELECT inventory_item_id INTO flex_id
 	               FROM mtl_system_items_interface
 	              WHERE transaction_id = ctr.transaction_id
 	                AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 129

 	             UPDATE mtl_item_revisions_interface
 	                SET inventory_item_id = flex_id
 	              WHERE transaction_id = ctr.transaction_id
 	                AND set_process_id   = xset_id;
Line: 160

                        update mtl_item_revisions_interface
			set    process_flag = l_process_flag_3,
			       transaction_id = NVL(transaction_id,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE_S.nextval)

			where item_number = cr.item_number
			and   inventory_item_id is NULL
			and   process_flag = l_process_flag_1
      and   set_process_id   = xset_id
      and   organization_id   = cr.organization_id
      RETURNING transaction_id INTO tran_id;
Line: 172

		          into tran_id
		          from dual;
Line: 193

			update mtl_item_revisions_interface
			set    process_flag = l_process_flag_3,
			       transaction_id = tran_id
			where item_number = cr.item_number
			and   inventory_item_id is NULL
			and   process_flag = l_process_flag_1
                        and   set_process_id   = xset_id
			and   organization_id   = cr.organization_id;
Line: 207

                        update mtl_item_revisions_interface
                        set inventory_item_id = flex_id
                        where item_number = cr.item_number
                        and   set_process_id   = xset_id
			and   organization_id  = cr.organization_id;
Line: 221

           select MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE_S.nextval
             into tran_id
           from dual;
Line: 225

	   update  mtl_item_revisions_interface
	   set  transaction_id = tran_id
	   where  inventory_item_id  = cr.inventory_item_id
	     and  organization_id    = cr.organization_id
        -- and  set_process_id + 0  = xset_id -- fix for bug#8757041,removed + 0
             and  set_process_id  = xset_id
	     and  process_flag = l_process_flag_1;
Line: 237

      select MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval
        into rev_id
        from dual;
Line: 241

	   update mtl_item_revisions_interface
	      set revision_id = rev_id
	    where rowid = cr.rowid;
Line: 248

	** update process flag , at last
        ** For bug 3226359 added code to update date fields with sysdate + 1/86400 (1 sec) if they are NULL
	update mtl_item_revisions_interface
	set process_flag = DECODE(default_flag, 1, l_process_flag_2 , l_process_flag_1),
	    LAST_UPDATE_DATE = nvl(LAST_UPDATE_DATE,(sysdate + 1/86400)),
	    /* LAST_UPDATED_BY = -1,
            **  NP 13OCT94 If you encounter ORA-6502 then see TAR 106456.555
            **  The decode stmts are the culprits!
	    CREATION_DATE = nvl(CREATION_DATE,(sysdate + 1/86400)),
	    /*CREATED_BY = -1,*/
            IMPLEMENTATION_DATE = nvl(effectivity_date, (l_sysdate + 1/86400)),
	    implemented_serial_number = NULL,
	    revised_item_sequence_id = NULL ,
	    effectivity_date = nvl(effectivity_date, (l_sysdate + 1/86400)),
            revision = trim(revision)    --Bugfix 6457167
	where inventory_item_id is not null
	      and process_flag = l_process_flag_1
              and   set_process_id  = xset_id
	      and (organization_id   = org_id or all_org = l_all_org);
Line: 279

/*	update mtl_item_revisions_interface i
        set i.process_flag = l_process_flag_3,
            i.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
            i.LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(i.LAST_UPDATED_BY, NULL, user_id,i.LAST_UPDATED_BY),
            i.CREATION_DATE = l_sysdate,
            i.CREATED_BY = decode(i.LAST_UPDATED_BY, NULL, user_id,i.LAST_UPDATED_BY)
        where ( i.inventory_item_id is NULL or
                i.organization_id is NULL)
          and set_process_id  = xset_id
          and i.process_flag = l_process_flag_1
          and ( i.organization_id = org_id or
                all_org = l_all_org );*/
Line: 296

    UPDATE mtl_item_revisions_interface i
    SET i.process_flag = l_process_flag_3,
        i.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
        i.LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(i.LAST_UPDATED_BY, NULL, user_id,i.LAST_UPDATED_BY),
        i.CREATION_DATE = l_sysdate,
        i.CREATED_BY = decode(i.LAST_UPDATED_BY, NULL, user_id,i.LAST_UPDATED_BY),
        i.transaction_id = NVL(transaction_id,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE_S.nextval)
    WHERE i.rowid = rec.rowid
    RETURNING i.transaction_id INTO tran_id ;
Line: 325

	update mtl_item_revisions_interface i
	set i.process_flag = l_process_flag_3
	where i.transaction_id in (select m.transaction_id
		from mtl_item_revisions_interface m
		where m.process_flag = l_process_flag_3
		and  (m.organization_id = org_id or
			all_org = l_all_org )
                and set_process_id = xset_id )
	and i.process_flag = l_process_flag_2
        and set_process_id   = xset_id
	and (i.organization_id = org_id or
		all_org = l_all_org);