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Line 142: alogue 01/03/2000 115.26 Support of change to hr_locations.

138: the profile value to cache thus aiding
139: performance.
140: alogue 14/02/2000 115.24 Utf8 support.
141: hsajja 21/02/2000 115.25 Included function DECODE_SHARED_TYPE
142: alogue 01/03/2000 115.26 Support of change to hr_locations.
143: rvydyana 24/05/2000 115.27 Added new function get_xbg_profile
144: mbocutt 06/06/2000 115.29 Fixed error in function descriptions
145: for get_work/home_phone
146: tclewis 29-feb-2000 115.30 added function maintain_tax_Records.

Line 655: from hr_locations

651: p_error_if_invalid boolean default TRUE ) return boolean is
652: --
653: cursor csr_location is
654: select 1
655: from hr_locations
656: where location_id = p_location_id
657: and location_use = 'HR'
658: and nvl (inactive_date, c_end_of_time) >= p_date;
659: --

Line 1067: from hr_locations

1063: p_location_id number) return varchar2 is
1064: --
1065: cursor csr_lookup is
1066: select location_code
1067: from hr_locations
1068: where location_id = p_location_id
1069: and location_use = 'HR';
1070: --
1071: v_meaning hr_locations.location_code%TYPE := null;

Line 1071: v_meaning hr_locations.location_code%TYPE := null;

1067: from hr_locations
1068: where location_id = p_location_id
1069: and location_use = 'HR';
1070: --
1071: v_meaning hr_locations.location_code%TYPE := null;
1072: --
1073: begin
1074: --
1075: -- Only open the cursor if the parameter is going to retrieve anything

Line 1949: from hr_locations LOC1

1945: LOC1.REGION_3||decode(LOC1.REGION_3,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.POSTAL_CODE||
1946: decode(LOC1.POSTAL_CODE,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.COUNTRY||
1947: decode(LOC1.COUNTRY,null,' ',', ')
1948: ,1,600)
1949: from hr_locations LOC1
1950: where location_id = p_location_id
1951: and location_use = 'HR';
1952: --
1953: v_address varchar2(600) := null;