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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 126

   select name
   from ben_eligy_prfl_f
   where ELIGY_PRFL_ID = p_eligy_prfl_id
   and p_effective_date between EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE;
Line: 132

   select formula_name
   where FORMULA_ID = p_formula_id
   and p_effective_date between EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE;
Line: 175

    SELECT 'X'
      FROM pay_element_types_f p
     WHERE p.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
	   AND p.multiple_entries_allowed_flag = 'Y'
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                                         AND p.effective_end_date;
Line: 237

   select max(cr.cagr_request_id)
   from per_cagr_requests cr
   where cr.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   and cr.process_date = (select max(cr1.process_date)
                         from per_cagr_requests cr1
                         where cr1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                         and l_effective_date >= cr1.process_date);
Line: 279

   select n.name
   from hr_navigation_nodes n, hr_navigation_node_usages nu
   where n.NAV_NODE_ID = nu.NAV_NODE_ID
   and nu.NAV_NODE_USAGE_ID = p_nav_node_usage_id;
Line: 319

    SELECT ben_pl_f_s.NEXTVAL
    FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 354

    SELECT ben_opt_f_s.NEXTVAL
    FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 389

    SELECT MAX(b.ordr_num)+10
	FROM   ben_oipl_f b
	WHERE  b.pl_id = p_pl_id;
Line: 448

    SELECT cei.uom,
	  FROM per_cagr_entitlement_items cei,
	       per_cagr_api_parameters p
	 WHERE cei.cagr_entitlement_item_id = p_cagr_entitlement_item_id
	   AND p.cagr_api_param_id (+)      = cei.cagr_api_param_id;
Line: 457

    SELECT pce.category_name,
	FROM   per_cagr_entitlement_items pce
	WHERE  pce.cagr_entitlement_item_id = p_cagr_entitlement_item_id;
Line: 463

    SELECT piv.uom
	FROM   pay_input_values_f piv
	WHERE  piv.input_value_id = l_input_value_id
	AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date
	                            AND piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 470

    SELECT pce.column_type
	FROM   per_cagr_entitlement_items pce
	WHERE  pce.cagr_entitlement_item_id = p_cagr_entitlement_item_id;
Line: 601

  l_str := 'select '||substr(l_v_r.table_info.id_column_name,1,instr(l_v_r.table_info.id_column_name||' ',' '))||','
                    ||substr(l_v_r.table_info.value_column_name,1,instr(l_v_r.table_info.value_column_name||' ',' '))
                    ||' from '
                    ||l_v_r.table_info.table_name||' '||l_whr;
Line: 645

    l_id_column := SUBSTR(l_sql_statement,(INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),'SELECT') +7)
                                          ,INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),',') -
										  (INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),'SELECT')+ 7));
Line: 685

    SELECT pci.flex_value_set_id,
	  FROM per_cagr_entitlements pce,
	       per_cagr_entitlement_items pci
	 WHERE pci.cagr_entitlement_item_id = pce.cagr_entitlement_item_id
	   AND pce.cagr_entitlement_id      = p_cagr_entitlement_id;
Line: 726

    l_id_column := SUBSTR(l_sql_statement,(INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),'SELECT') +7)
                                          ,INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),',') -
										  (INSTR(UPPER(l_sql_statement),'SELECT')+ 7));
Line: 782

   insert into per_cagr_requests (cagr_request_id
                   values     (PER_CAGR_REQUESTS_S.nextval
                              ,p_denormalise_flag) RETURNING cagr_request_id
                                                   INTO p_cagr_request_id;
Line: 859

          insert into PER_CAGR_LOG
Line: 895

Line: 896

Line: 943

  SELECT decode(substr(value,1,INSTR(value,',')-1),
                NULL, value, substr(value,1,INSTR(value,',')-1)) "filepath"
  FROM v$parameter
  WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 949

  SELECT text
  FROM per_cagr_log
  WHERE cagr_request_id = p_cagr_request_id
  AND priority <= l_level
  AND exists (select 'X' from per_cagr_requests req
              where req.cagr_request_id = p_cagr_request_id
              and req.operation_mode = 'SA')
  ORDER BY log_id;
Line: 1052

  FROM per_cagr_entitlement_results
  WHERE cagr_request_id = p_cagr_request_id
  AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1070

      DELETE FROM per_cagr_log
      WHERE cagr_request_id = p_cagr_request_id;
Line: 1073

      per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('     last result deleted for cagr_request_id '
               ||p_cagr_request_id||', log entries deleted');
Line: 1100

   select collective_agreement_id
   from per_all_assignments_f
   where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                        and nvl(effective_end_date,hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 1131

       select 	 pgm.name
	from ben_pgm_f pgm
	    ,per_grades_tl grdtl
	    ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
            ,per_spinal_point_placements_f pspp
            ,per_spinal_point_steps_f psps
            paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	and p_sess between
	    paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
	and paaf.grade_ladder_pgm_id = pgm.pgm_id
	and p_sess
            between pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date
	and grdtl.grade_id = paaf.grade_id
	and grdtl.language = userenv('LANG')
        and pspp.assignment_id (+)= paaf.assignment_id
	and p_sess
            between pspp.effective_start_date(+)
                and pspp.effective_end_date(+)
        and pspp.step_id = psps.step_id(+)
	and p_sess
            between psps.effective_start_date(+)
                and psps.effective_end_date(+)
Line: 1163

        select distinct current_grade_name
         from  pqh_gsp_electable_choice_v
         where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and rownum <= 1;