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  • View: JTF_FM_STATUS 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_FM_STATUS,  object_name:JTF_FM_STATUS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: stores information about the fulfillment status for requests ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_FM_STATUS

  • View: JTF_FM_STATUS 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_FM_STATUS,  object_name:JTF_FM_STATUS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: stores information about the fulfillment status for requests ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_FM_STATUS

  • View: JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL,  object_name:JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: The details of parners that can be imported as resource or are already present as resource ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL

  • View: JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL,  object_name:JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: The details of parners that can be imported as resource or are already present as resource ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_RS_PARTNERS_VL


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL,  object_name:JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: The list of party contacts ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL,  object_name:JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: The list of party contacts ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_RS_PARTY_CONTACTS_VL

  • Table: JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B,  object_name:JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A principal will be a user or a role. If the principal is a user then the column IS_USER_FLAG is set to 1 and USER_ID points to a user in FND_USER. We will later use application id to stripe the data for hosting purposes. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B

  • Table: JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B,  object_name:JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A principal will be a user or a role. If the principal is a user then the column IS_USER_FLAG is set to 1 and USER_ID points to a user in FND_USER. We will later use application id to stripe the data for hosting purposes. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B

  • Table: JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B,  object_name:JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A template is used to capture information about the user for an enrollment or a usertype. A template is essentially one or more jsp pages as well as a template handler. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B

  • Table: JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B,  object_name:JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A template is used to capture information about the user for an enrollment or a usertype. A template is essentially one or more jsp pages as well as a template handler. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_UM_TEMPLATES_B

  • Lookup Type: JTF_FM_CONTENT_TYPE 12.1.1

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTF_FM_CONTENT_TYPE , 

  • Lookup Type: JTF_FM_CONTENT_TYPE 12.2.2

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTF_FM_CONTENT_TYPE , 

  • Table: JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS,  object_name:JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This table maps a type of user to a particular role and a particular application domain. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS

  • Table: JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS,  object_name:JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This table maps a type of user to a particular role and a particular application domain. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_AUTH_ACCT_ROLE_MAPS


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT,  object_name:JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This table holds the individual components in a report for a test as separate entities. To construct the report for a particular execution, we can get the records for that execution_id and interpret the xmldata to construct the Report. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT,  object_name:JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This table holds the individual components in a report for a test as separate entities. To construct the report for a particular execution, we can get the records for that execution_id and interpret the xmldata to construct the Report. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT

  • View: JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V,  object_name:JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationimplementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG

  • View: JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V,  object_name:JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationimplementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_DSP_LGL_TEMPLATES_V


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG

  • Table: JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG

  • Table: JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS_STG_LOG


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG


    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES_STG_LOG


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V,  object_name:JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: View for owners of Geography Territories ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V

  • Lookup Type: JTFB_COMPONENT_TYPE 12.2.2

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTFB COMPONENT TYPE ,  description: Declarative Component Types , 

  • Lookup Type: JTFB_COMPONENT_TYPE 12.1.1

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTFB COMPONENT TYPE ,  description: Declarative Component Types , 


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V,  object_name:JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: View for owners of Geography Territories ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TTY_GEO_TERR_OWNER_LOV_V

  • Table: JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES

  • Lookup Type: JTF_MEDIA_TYPE 12.1.1

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTF Media Type ,  description: An instance of media that was processed by the system and/or its users. Media items can be generated by a customer or by a system or an application. Media items can be inbound (e.g., mail or call from a customer). , 

  • Table: JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS

  • Lookup Type: JTF_MEDIA_TYPE 12.2.2

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: JTF Media Type ,  description: An instance of media that was processed by the system and/or its users. Media items can be generated by a customer or by a system or an application. Media items can be inbound (e.g., mail or call from a customer). , 

  • Table: JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS,  object_name:JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A contact point between a customer, customer system or potential customer and a single human or automated agent (Handler and Handler Resource). An Interaction can be timed and has an outcome and result that can be tracked. Multiple Intera ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS

  • Table: JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES,  object_name:JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: An act performed by a human or automated agent as part of an Interaction. An Interaction Activity can be related to the handling of the Media Items related to the Interaction (example: answering a call, transferring a call, etc.) . An Int ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES

  • View: JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V,  object_name:JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Shows all the direct and indirect reports of a salesperson ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V

  • View: JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V,  object_name:JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Shows all the direct and indirect reports of a salesperson ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TTY_MY_RESOURCES_V

  • Table: JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG,  object_name:JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Stores argument name-value pairs for a testcase for a row number ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG

  • Table: JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG,  object_name:JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Stores argument name-value pairs for a testcase for a row number ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ARG

  • View: JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V,  object_name:JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This view is used to get the group or team resources granting full access to a login resource and group/team or employee resources granting a certain level of access to a login resource. ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V

  • View: JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V,  object_name:JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: This view is used to get the group or team resources granting full access to a login resource and group/team or employee resources granting a certain level of access to a login resource. ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.JTF_TASK_SECURITY_V

  • Table: JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL,  object_name:JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Stores the access type that a resource has to a territory. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL

  • Lookup Type: JTF_TASK_TYPE_RULES 12.2.2

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: Rules associated with a given task type. ,  description: Rules associated with a given task type. , 

  • Lookup Type: JTF_MEDIA_ITEM_LC_SEG_TYPE 12.1.1

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: Media Item Lifecycle Segment Type ,  description: The descriptor of a Media Lifecycle Segment. It can denote the system or an activity to which the interval of time is attributed. , 

  • Table: JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES,  object_name:JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A generic table that stores range of postal code within a location area. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES

  • Table: JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL 12.2.2

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL,  object_name:JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: Stores the access type that a resource has to a territory. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_TERR_RSC_ACCESS_ALL

  • Table: JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES,  object_name:JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: A generic table that stores range of postal code within a location area. ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_LOC_POSTAL_CODES

  • Lookup Type: JTF_MEDIA_ITEM_LC_SEG_TYPE 12.2.2

    product: JTF - CRM Foundationmeaning: Media Item Lifecycle Segment Type ,  description: The descriptor of a Media Lifecycle Segment. It can denote the system or an activity to which the interval of time is attributed. , 

  • Table: JTF_PREFAB_HA_COMPS 12.1.1

    owner:JTF,  object_type:TABLE,  fnd_design_data:JTF.JTF_PREFAB_HA_COMPS,  object_name:JTF_PREFAB_HA_COMPS,  status:VALID,  product: JTF - CRM Foundationdescription: JTF_PREFAB_HA_COMPS models the policy for a cache component (CA_COMP_ID) on a specific host (HOST_APP_ID). ,  implementation_dba_data: JTF.JTF_PREFAB_HA_COMPS