Search Results concurrent'123
Concurrent Program: FASMSUOP
execution_filename: FASMSUOP , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASMSUOP , description: Units of Production Asset Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: SQL*Plus ,
Concurrent Program: FAS520
execution_filename: FAS520 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS520 , description: Tax Retirements Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAMADEL
execution_filename: FAMADEL , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMADEL , description: Mass Additions Delete , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FARXMT
execution_filename: FARXPBSH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FARXPBSH , description: RXi Publishing Engine , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FAS440
execution_filename: FAS440 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS440 , description: Asset Retirements Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FASANADD
execution_filename: FASANADD , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASANADD , description: Annual Additions Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAS442
execution_filename: FAS442 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS442 , description: Reinstated Assets Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FASRVPVW_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Mass Revaluation Preview Report (XML) , description: Revaluation Preview Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FASMAINT_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Asset Maintenance Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Asset Maintenance Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS448
execution_filename: FAS448 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS448 , description: Retired Assets Without Retirement Types Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAS540_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Tax Additions Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Tax Additions Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAMRCOSPR
execution_filename: FA_MRC_OSPT_PKG.run_gain_loss , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMRCOSPR , description: MRC: Run Calculate Gain Loss in all Set of BOoks , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FARXGA
execution_filename: FARXPBSH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FARXPBSH , description: RXi Publishing Engine , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FASWIPDR
execution_filename: FASCOSTD , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASCOSTD , description: Cost Detail Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAS520_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Tax Retirements Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Tax Retirements Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAPPT
execution_filename: FAMAPT , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMAPT , description: Mass Additions Post , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FAS930
execution_filename: FAS930 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS930 , description: Leased Assets Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FASRSVES_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Reserve Summary Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Reserve Summary Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FASMRET_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Mass Retirements Report (XML) , description: Mass Retirements Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FASNBV
execution_filename: FASNBV , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASNBV , description: Net Book Value Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FASNBV_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Diminishing Value Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Diminishing Value Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAMAPT
execution_filename: FAMAPT , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMAPT , description: Mass Additions Post , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FAS441
execution_filename: FAS441 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS441 , description: Asset Retirements By Cost Center Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAMTFR
execution_filename: FAMTFR , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMTFR , description: Mass Transfer , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FARXACA
execution_filename: FARXPBSH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FARXPBSH , description: RXi Publishing Engine , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FARXCAJ
execution_filename: FARXPBSH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FARXPBSH , description: RXi Publishing Engine , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FASPRX_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Price Index Listing (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Price Index Listing , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS860_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Mass Change Preview Report (XML) , description: Mass Change Preview Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FASPARAS
execution_filename: FASPARAS , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASPARAS , description: Parent Asset Listing , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: RXFAPIM
execution_filename: FARX_C_INVMISS_PKG.MISS_ASSET , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: RXFAPIM , description: RX: Missing Assets Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FAVRVL
execution_filename: FAVRVL , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAVRVL , description: Mass Revaluation Program , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: RXFARET
execution_filename: FARX_C_RT.RET , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: RXFARET , description: RX: Retirements Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FASRVRVW_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Mass Revaluation Review Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Mass Revaluation Review Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS460_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Property Tax Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Property Tax Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS740_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Asset Reclassification Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Asset Reclassification Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAMRCUPG2
execution_filename: fa_mc_upg_convert_pkg.main_convert , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMRCUPG2 , description: Convert Reporting Book Program , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FARXADD
execution_filename: FARXPBSH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FARXPBSH , description: RXi Publishing Engine , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: RXFACCA
execution_filename: FA_RX_ALT_BAL.CIP_COST_BAL , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: RXFACCA , description: CIP Cost Balances (Alternate) Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FASWIPSR
execution_filename: FASCOSTS , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FASCOSTS , description: Cost Summary Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FASRCPVW_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Mass Reclassification Preview Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Mass Reclassification Preview Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FASCAPSP_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Capital Spending Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Capital Spending Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAMACH
execution_filename: FAMACH , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMACH , description: Mass Change Program , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FAXLAUPGCP2
execution_filename: FA_UPGHARNESS_PKG.upgrade_by_request2 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAXLAUPGCP2 , description: Upgrade Historical Assets Depreciation for Subledger Accounting , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,
Concurrent Program: FAS421_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Asset Additions By Cost Center Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Asset Additions By Cost Center Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS447_XML
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: Form 4797 - Ordinary Gains and Losses Report (XML) - Not Supported: Reserved For Future Use , description: Form 4797 - Ordinary Gains and Losses Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: No , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAS446
execution_filename: FAS446 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS446 , description: Form 4797 - Sales or Exchange of Property Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAWIPSTAT
product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FA CIP Statistics for the Central Statistical Office (KSH) (Hungary) , description: Shows Fixed Asset CIP Statistics information in a period range. , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Java Concurrent Program ,
Concurrent Program: FAMRCL
execution_filename: FAMRCL , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMRCL , description: Mass Reclassification Program , argument_method: Database fetch , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Spawned ,
Concurrent Program: FAS861
execution_filename: FAS861 , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAS861 , description: Mass Change Audit Report , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: Oracle Reports ,
Concurrent Program: FAMAPREP
execution_filename: FA_MASSADD_PREPARE_PKG.prepare_mass_additions , product: OFA - Assets , user_name: FAMAPREP , description: Prepare Mass Additions , argument_method: Standard , enabled: Yes , execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure ,