Search Results employees

  • Lookup Type: PAY_CA_MISSING_ASG 12.2.2

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Canadian Archive Missing Assignment Actions ,  description: Canadian Archive Missing Assignment Actions , 

  • Lookup Type: PAY_CA_MISSING_ASG 12.1.1

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Canadian Archive Missing Assignment Actions ,  description: Canadian Archive Missing Assignment Actions , 

  • Concurrent Program: PAYKRHIA 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PAYKRHIA ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PAYKRHIA ,  description: Adjustment Health Insurance for Leaving Employees ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Oracle Reports , 

  • Concurrent Program: PAYKRHIA 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PAYKRHIA ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PAYKRHIA ,  description: Adjustment Health Insurance for Leaving Employees ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Oracle Reports , 

  • Lookup Type: IN_MON_PF_NSSN_OPT 12.2.2

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: India Monthly PF Return NSSN Options ,  description: India PF Monthly Return Report NSSN options , 

  • Lookup Type: IN_MON_PF_NSSN_OPT 12.1.1

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: India Monthly PF Return NSSN Options ,  description: India PF Monthly Return Report NSSN options , 

  • Lookup Type: FR_DADS_BIRTH_DEPT_CODE 12.1.1

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Birth Department Code for DADS-U , 

  • Lookup Type: FR_DADS_BIRTH_DEPT_CODE 12.2.2

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Birth Department Code for DADS-U , 

  • Lookup Type: NO_PAYMENT_PROCESS_LABELS 12.1.1

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Norwegian Payment Process Labels ,  description: Lookup to hold values for NO Payment Process Labels , 

  • Lookup Type: NO_PAYMENT_PROCESS_LABELS 12.2.2

    product: PAY - Payrollmeaning: Norwegian Payment Process Labels ,  description: Lookup to hold values for NO Payment Process Labels , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNT 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PYUGEN ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYUGEN ,  description: Generic Payroll Execution Process ,  argument_method: Database fetch ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Spawned , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNT 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PYUGEN ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYUGEN ,  description: Generic Payroll Execution Process ,  argument_method: Database fetch ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Spawned , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTC 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PYUGEN ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYUGEN ,  description: Generic Payroll Execution Process ,  argument_method: Database fetch ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Spawned , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTC 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PYUGEN ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYUGEN ,  description: Generic Payroll Execution Process ,  argument_method: Database fetch ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Spawned , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNTR 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNTEFT 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: ES_TWR_AUDIT_REPORT 12.1.1

    execution_filename: ESTWRReport ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYESTWR ,  description: Java Program for running TWR report for Spannish Employees ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTCR 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNTR 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTCR 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTCEFT 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERSTCEFT 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: ES_TWR_AUDIT_REPORT 12.2.2

    execution_filename: ESTWRReport ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYESTWR ,  description: Java Program for running TWR report for Spannish Employees ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYNOEERCNTEFT 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PayPDFGen ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYXMLEMG ,  description: Payroll Message Report (PDF) ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: Java Concurrent Program , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYFRMCTR 12.2.2

    execution_filename: PAY_FR_MIGRATE_TIME_ANALYSIS.MIGRATE ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYFRMCTR ,  description: Migration of existing employees to use new Contract DDF for France. ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure , 

  • Concurrent Program: PYFRMCTR 12.1.1

    execution_filename: PAY_FR_MIGRATE_TIME_ANALYSIS.MIGRATE ,  product: PAY - Payrolluser_name: PYFRMCTR ,  description: Migration of existing employees to use new Contract DDF for France. ,  argument_method: Standard ,  enabled: Yes ,  execution_method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure , 

  • View: PAY_P45_V1 12.1.1

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:PAY.PAY_P45_V1,  object_name:PAY_P45_V1,  status:VALID,  product: PAY - Payrolldescription: PAY_P45_V1 is a UK specific view based on PER_PEOPLE_F that selects employees for the P45 report. ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.PAY_P45_V1


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:PAY.PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V,  object_name:PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V,  status:VALID,  product: PAY - Payrolldescription: This view returns the Employee Details from the live tables for employees which have been archived by External Process Archiver ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V

  • View: PAY_P45_V1 12.2.2

    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:PAY.PAY_P45_V1,  object_name:PAY_P45_V1,  status:VALID,  product: PAY - Payrolldescription: PAY_P45_V1 is a UK specific view based on PER_PEOPLE_F that selects employees for the P45 report. ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.PAY_P45_V1


    owner:APPS,  object_type:VIEW,  fnd_design_data:PAY.PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V,  object_name:PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V,  status:VALID,  product: PAY - Payrolldescription: This view returns the Employee Details from the live tables for employees which have been archived by External Process Archiver ,  implementation_dba_data: APPS.PAY_US_EMPLOYEE_ACTION_INFO_V